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It didn't take long for the argument to get heated, his empty words against my failed attempts of kicking him out spiraled the argument even more.

"Yeah? Well you want to know what I fucking think of this piece of shit?" He approached the canvas and grabbed it, throwing it across the room and knocking over a vase in the process.

I had no idea what to do in this case, I was just stood there, unsure whether I should get the police on his ass or just walk out of my own house.

"Are you even sober right now? Do you see what you're doing?" I gave a confused chuckle, a little nervous that he might actually throw me across the room like that canvas next.

"God, fuck you Mei, fuck you!!" He started going on a rampage, throwing anything arms length onto the ground and basically just messing a few things up in my house.

"Get the fuck out!" I tried to drag him out of my house, but instead he grabbed me by the sleeve and pushed me back forcefully.

My god, maybe I should've just resorted to knife crime.

But fortunately, the world decided it'd be nice to me in this moment, and the front door swung further open.

"Noise complaint." Niki barged straight in, such a nonchalant expression as he looked at the mess and Min-kyu.

Min-kyu paused his rampage and glared at Niki, breathing heavily in anger.

"Oh, so you're the fucker that Mei is being a little whore with. Alright, I see." Min-kyu stormed up towards Niki, grabbing him by the collar and glaring at him like some kind of rabid animal.

Niki simply had no reaction to this - okay, what the hell was wrong with both of them.

"You really can't be respectful?" Niki gave a chuckle, as if he found this amusing.

"What, is she nice to you? Yeah? Isn't she pretty? I bet you like it when you two are alone? Hm? Yeah? Just so you know, I had her before you, buddy." Min-kyu was genuinely giving me second hand embarrassment, and I was just cringing at his words, pretending to be so bold as he held Niki by the collar still.

It didn't take Niki long to sort Min-kyu out. With a mere kick and a twist of the arm, Niki had Min-kyu in an armlock, being able to break his arm with a singular movement.

Min-kyu was groaning in pain, hunched over as Niki had tight grasp of his arm, behind his back.

"See you later, buddy." Niki mimicked the way Min-kyu spoke earlier, dragging him to the front of the door and throwing him out, onto the ground, before proceeding to slam the door shut and lock it.

He then turned to me, glancing at me worriedly. On his way towards me, he picked up the small canvas that Min-kyu threw across the room, he looked all over the canvas, a small smile creeping on his face.

"Your brother is an artist, hm?" Niki approached me smoothly, handing me the canvas back as I rolled my eyes, my hands still slightly shaking from whatever just happened.

"Maybe I just have his art in my house, have you ever thought about that?" Although it was obvious by now, I still decided to go with it.

He chuckled gingerly, looking over my face. He could probably tell I was a little distressed and shaken up by whatever had just happened.

"Have you burnt that polaroid yet? I don't think a guy like him deserves to be on a picture with a girl like you." Niki looked around the living room of my house, interested in the interior design.

"Not yet, I decided to distract myself by painting first." I rolled my eyes, grabbing the polaroid from the table and staring at it. I gave a large sigh.

"Oh, so you do paint." Niki mentioned, and I had just realised what I said. I spun to look at him, he turned to look at me, a know-it-all smile written all over his face. I didn't respond, didn't say anything, and instead, just walked upstairs.

He followed behind, as if we have been best friends for years and just casually enters my house and walks around as if it's the norm for him. I guess his extreme confidence makes him even more attractive somehow.

I was about to pass by my studio, the door wide open for anyone to see inside.

"Can I come in?" He asked, peering into my studio. I turned around, looking at him and giving a small smile.

"Oh so now you ask for permission." I rolled my eyes with a grin, "Sure. I guess."

And with that, he entered my studio, looking around. He didn't display any open expressions of awe, but I could get the feeling that he was amazed by the half finished - some finished - paintings in the studio.

"Mei Hirata, mm, I would've never guessed you were behind these paintings I've been chasing my whole life." Niki glanced around, looking at a few specifically.

riki.nishimura → airport hugWhere stories live. Discover now