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No longer than ten minutes later, that same familiar voice came running towards where I was. The grandma walked back up to my table.

"Oh my god, is she serious right now?" Niki crouched down beside me, moving my hair out of my face.

"You will take her home safely right? She seems very unstable right now." The grandma added, giving a sigh and proceeding to shake her head.

"Yes, yeah, we're neighbours. I don't think I've ever seen her drink, so this is confusing." Niki gave a sigh too, attempting to get me to stand up.

I shot my head up, holding the table as I stood up shakily. I could barely walk, and when I was walking, it was as if I had my legs the wrong way round.

If you asked me to draw a straight line, I could probably draw you a circle.

Niki held my arm, letting me use him as something to stabilise me. But I pushed him off me, walking off on my own, in a drunken mess. But hey - at least I felt nothing.

"Hey - Mei Hirata! Get back over here." Niki hurriedly ran towards me, grabbing my arm again.

"Go away! Don't you have somewhere to be???" I slurred my words, trying to free his grasp from his.

"Oh, so this is what this is about." Niki chuckled, linking his arm with mine and casually strolling with me along the streets of Seoul. He had a smile plastered on his face.

"Whaat? What are you talking about?" I gave a scornful, short laughter, "It's not gentlemanly to leave your date." I was still walking wonkily despite having support from Niki.

"You know I did offer for you to come too, you didn't have to go and cause a scene at this poor grandma's market. She probably is traumatised now." Niki shook his head with a smile full with awe.

"Pfft, I don't even know what you're talking about right now." I managed to set my arm free from his, walking directly to the side, where I hit a wall and just started walking against the wall.

"Are you really going to make me drag you to the car?" Niki grinned, just watching me brush my shoulder against a brick wall.

I looked over at him, "No, I am perfectly fine." I flipped my hair behind my shoulder, continuing to do whatever I was doing.

Damn, at this rate I'm clearly shameless around Niki. No matter what I do, it always ends up with me embarrassing myself around him.

"Alright, get over here." He didn't hesitate, and just placed both hands on my waist, lifting me up and throwing me over his shoulder with ease.

I guess that's surgeon strength for you.

I didn't resist or kick back, I just lay there, folded over his shoulder. It was almost even comfortable, I found my eyes gently shutting from time to time.

"You know it's so obvious when you're jealous." Niki brought up, and although I couldn't see his face, I could just feel his smug grin plastered on his face.

"I'm not jealous." I managed to at least deny his allegations, even when drunk, I'm pretty stubborn.

He gave an audible chuckle, opening the car door and lightly placing me in the passengers, before heading off to his side and sitting down.

He looked over at me, his eyes were just glittering, and his lips apart as he smiled at me.

"Sure you're not." Niki proceeded to start the car, driving off and towards the direction of home.

He parked up before my house, and I stepped out myself, a little shakily and off balance, but I still managed to not make direct contact with the ground.

Niki hurriedly ran over to me, holding my arm once again as we walked to the front of my door. He looked at me as I searched for my house keys. I'm so sure that I brought them with me, but my pockets and purse were empty.

"Please tell me you brought your house keys." Niki looked at me in disbelief, smiling at this sight.

"I swear I had them.. huuuuh.." I gave up looking for them, "It's okay, I will just stay here." 

Niki looked blankly at me, pressing his lips together and then dragging me out of my gate, and instead heading into his.

"Please don't drink ever again, for the safety of everybody else around you." Niki joked, unlocking the door to his house. I walked inside, following him in and immediately walking into a random room, only to be dragged by the back of my coat by Niki.

"Upstairs, bedtime, go." He ushered me upstairs without even letting me think anything through, instead, guiding me into his own bedroom.

He unzipped my coat for me, and hung it somewhere on his closet. I kicked my shoes off, faceplanting his bed and immediately feeling the relief of a cold, soft bed.

He tugged at the duvet, wrapping it over me.

"You are so jealous." Niki muttered, evidently so proud of himself. It was the last thing I heard him say before I fell asleep.

riki.nishimura → airport hugWhere stories live. Discover now