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"Get the fuck off my girlfriend before I fucking kill you." Niki stormed in, Sunoo running in straight after in such a hurry.

My whole body was shaking, and Niki just ran straight to Taecyeon, swinging a punch in his face. His grip let go of me, and I ran straight over to Sunoo, who just gave me a quick hug as I tried to come to realisation of what had just happened.

The guy who I was supposed to collab with, is really a psychopathic creep who had stalked me?

Jesus, does my director not look into the people she assigns me with? First Boyoung? Now this motherfucker?

Niki was in a frenzy of fury, he was swinging punches left, right and centre, not even allowing him to catch a single breath.

Taecyeon was a bloody mess, and Niki was a force to be stopped, up until policemen ran into the place, trying to drag Niki off Taecyeon.

After a struggle, they managed to pull Niki off Taecyeon, the guy was unconscious, bloody and beaten up. Policemen ran into the room with all the weird photos and items of me, taking photos and what not.

Niki rushed over to me, touching my face and cupping my cheeks.

"Mei, Mei baby, are you okay? What the hell is your director doing??" He was absolutely furious, I could see it in his eyes.

I think that entire scene had just sobered me right the hell up. Without a second thought, I went straight into his arms, his firm grasp around my body just made me feel completely at home.

"Oh my god, I can't believe this.. I'm.. What the hell.." I was speechless, I couldn't even think for myself anymore.

Niki rubbed my head, trying to console me as we walked out of the building, Sunoo behind us.

"I know baby, I know." He gave a gentle whisper, comforting me as policemen continued swarming into the apartment.

Niki looked at me, concern in his eyes. He kissed my face all over, giving a sigh.

"I was supposed to surprise you by coming back today, I'm so fucking glad I came today." Niki sounded stressed out of his head, he just encased me in a tight hug, not wanting to let me go.

"God, why are all the people around me creeps, I can't trust anybody." I mumbled in his chest as he caressed my hair, rocking me from side to side gently.

"Sunoo told me he seemed weird, baby, don't work with anyone your director assigns you with - that woman is frustrating me." Niki told me, and I just nodded my head.

I couldn't even live normally as an artist anymore, people were out for me left and right. Maybe I really should've just stayed uncovered, maybe that would've been for the better.

I hate to even think about it, but maybe Min-kyu was just right.

But no, who am I kidding, screw that guy.

The three of us made our way out of the building, I hated every bit of this day. I wanted to erase everything from my mind. I leant against the window as Niki drove, heading back home.

Sunoo went back to Niki's house, whereas me and Niki went back into mine. He was insistent on staying with me everywhere.

I walked up to the studio, where our 'collaboration' paintings were, at this point, I wasn't quite sure whether his intentions were seriously for a collab, or just to get close to me.

"We're burning these." Niki simply stated, standing behind me as I nodded.

"God my life is so fucking eventful." I rubbed my face, still in a state of shock. I was supposed to be excited over Niki coming back, and although I was trying, I still just couldn't shake this uneasy feeling off me.

Niki engulfed me into another hug again, his hugs always felt like home, and truthfully, I wish I could stay like this forever because they make me forget that bad things exist.

"I promise you this Mei, I'm taking you everywhere with me. I don't care whether I'm not allowed, or they'll fire me because of it. I'm seriously going to bring you everywhere." Niki told me, and his voice was so serious too, he meant every word he said.

"You better, I can't live like this anymore. Niki, I hate this place, I hate this house." I shuddered, just feeling the horrible vibe in this room persist.

We walked out, towards the bedroom.

"You don't need to live here, listen, we can find a new place, for the time being, you can live with me and Sunoo, at least you won't need to be reminded of this." Niki looked at me, a small smile crossing his face, "What'd you say?"

"Absolutely, anything is better than being here." I gave a smile back, I won the lottery with this man.

"I've missed you so fucking much Mei." Niki spoke, giving me a kiss.

riki.nishimura → airport hugWhere stories live. Discover now