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I decided to open my eyes, feeling that the atmosphere was beginning to become a little awkward and tense.

The heads shot towards me, smiles on their faces as I woke up. I stood up, giving a slight bow.

"I'm heading home, thank you guys for everything." I bowed again before proceeding to walk out of the lounge room.

I wasn't sure if I came across as rude in that moment, but I didn't really want to get into the topic of my personal life, or my ex-boyfriend for that fact. I was so tired and my whole body was in pain, I just wanted to eat and go to sleep.

I made my way out of the venue, finally the cold air greeting me. But not only that, a few people were still out here, waiting for me. It was literally 10PM, and people were still here.

They approached me with urgency, holding papers and pens and pieces of art in front of my face, shouting and yelling, I wasn't sure what to do - I wanted my first impression to be good, but I also just couldn't deal with this right now.

"MEI! I LOVE YOU! MEI!!!! SIGN THIS PLEASE!!!" A fan frantically waved a notebook in my face as I tried to walk off to the parking lot.



And finally, a figure placed an arm around my waist, walking beside me pretty quickly. He shielded me from the mass amounts of people trying to get me to sign things or take pictures or whatnot.

He dragged me down intricate and quiet shortcuts away from the crowds, all the way till we reached his car.

"Tired?" Niki asked me, looking at me with a cute, light smile.

I was beyond tired, I was probably on the brink of collapsing at this rate, man, I am never wearing heels again.

"Can you please just take me home or something." I complained, I had no intention in teasing him, arguing or anything else, I just wanted to get out of this.

"You don't need to ask twice." His tone seemed to have changed, it was much more softer, less of the harsh and the iciness like usual, but instead rather mellow and sweet.

He opened the door to the passengers, letting me sit in, the first thing I did when I sat down was kick my heels off, the relief I felt.

He got in too shortly after, immediately starting the car and driving off without a second word. I rest my head on the headrest, closing my eyes gently as the car ride was decently long.

"Your mother was an artist?" I decided to bring up, just because I was curious.

He seemed to be taken aback that I heard that, looking over at me as he was driving.

"Hm, yeah. You heard that?" Though he seemed to be taken aback, he didn't seem defensive or too shocked about this.

"Yeah, only that and the part where my assistant was talking about wanting to be me." I chuckled, Niki's lips curved into a humble smile.

"She was an artist, her drawings were my favourite thing ever. She went into surgery one day and never came out, I have a few of her drawings still. But since she passed, I make sure I support art galleries and exhibitions." He turned to look at me, then pulled over to the side.

I opened my eyes, wondering why we had stopped. He leant over, clipping the seatbelt on me, his face was very close to mine as he leant over.

"See, now I don't want another artist dying." His voice was low, barely a whisper, but then too, followed with a smile.

My heart raced faster than this car could probably go, I swallowed hard, the proximity had completely erased any fatigue I previously had, woah, this man was insane.

The sole interaction woke me up completely, and I swear, if I was alone, I would've screamed at this.

I cleared my throat quietly, feeling a little flustered at that single interaction - damn Mei - you've literally had a boyfriend before why are you being so weird over this?

".. So.. did you speak with my assistant?" I brought up a completely different topic, trying to save myself from the feeling inside.

"I did, she's invited me for coffee sometime this week." He casually said, my heart suddenly felt a little heavy.

"Oh cute, a date." I chuckled, trying to seem as un-bitter as possible.

Niki turned his head to look at me, a devilish smirk splattered across his lips, he was driving with one hand, the other leant on the side of the window.

"I know you wish that was you, maybe sometime soon." He turned back to face the front after leaving me speechless, completely, I had no words.

See, now in one way, he wasn't wrong, however, there is no way I'm admitting such things or even agreeing with the claims he's making.

"Yeah right, I'd rather get back with Min-kyu than ever sit with you at a cafe alone." I huffed, rolling my eyes as he gave a quick laugh, one that just screamed that he knew I was lying.

"Mmm, whatever you say Hirata."

riki.nishimura → airport hugWhere stories live. Discover now