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I looked over at Boyoung as she flashed me an unsure smile. I looked at her straight in the eyes, my lips not even budging.

The door suddenly swung open, revealing the director of the gallery herself.

She stormed in, evidently in a fit of blind rage. She stared down Boyoung completely in utter annoyance anger.

"Boyoung. How did this happen." Her questions weren't questions anymore, and that was the scary part.

"Ma'am, I'm so sorry. I don't know, it was a break in, I am not sure how this could've happened." She continuously bowed deeply as I just watched her.

My eyes glanced onto my phone at the image attached.

I clicked onto it, staring at the picture sent.

And in the picture, contained a few of my pictures stood up against a wall, red paint splashed all over them, completely obliterating the paintings that took me weeks to perfect.

I felt my heart literally drop, and I tried to swallow the bitterness away, but it was stuck in my throat without even wanting to budge.

"The police say there was no sign of break in, none. At all." The director suddenly revealed, and I shot my head to look at her.

She gave me a look of apology, followed by a small bow.

"No sign of a break in? So what, someone with access just came in and did this?" I scoffed, truly unbelievable.

The director looked to the ground for a split second, before looking up at Boyoung.

Now, both of us were looking at Boyoung.

"How did this happen, you tell me." The director stood glaring at Boyoung assertively looking for an answer, her hands resting on her hips in annoyance.

"I'm not sure, I'm sorry, I have no idea." Boyoung continued to bow and bow, how many times could this girl bow - I'm not quite sure.

"There are only a few people with access to open the gallery, and you are one of them Boyoung, I trust that it's not you, but I literally cannot believe this has happened so easily." I shook my head in disappointment, giving a small sigh.

I didn't want to stay in that room any longer, so I walked out, the entire place feeling tense. And as I was walking out, I stared at all the broken paintings, ruined creations in the gallery.

Whoever did this must have some serious grudge against me, and there's only one person that I can think of who might possibly have a grudge against me.

I stepped out into the fresh air, the coldness brushed at least some of the anger away. Though, I wasn't about to go tell Niki that my paintings in the gallery have been stolen and ruined and that I suspect Min-kyu.

That would never end well, so I came to the conclusion to simply instigate by myself.

I gave an exasperated sigh, everything that always goes well, always finds a way to turn out horrible again.

Straight away, I head into my car, driving to the one and only place of the person who is on my number one suspect list.

Number two would be Boyoung - because how could someone just enter the gallery? Boyoung is mostly always in the gallery, she knows the in's and the out's, she knows the entire layout of the building, I still couldn't comprehend how it could've possibly happened with no signs of breakage.

As much as I hoped it wasn't her, and that I trust that it wasn't her - there was always still some doubt surrounding her.

With another sigh, I pulled up outside of Min-kyu's house, I never really wanted to come back here again, but I guess I can't live a happy life.

I reluctantly head to the front door, hesitating to knock and even bother this guy. I think the sight of his face might make me feel repulsed alone.

But, I had to get to the bottom of this, thus, I brought my hand up to the door, giving it a firm knock.

And not even a few seconds later, the door opened, revealing Min-kyu. He looked astounded, and almost panicked at the sight of me.

"What, did Ni-ki break up with you? Hah, see, I called it." But then suddenly his confidence skyrocketed out of nowhere, he began acting very entitled.

"No he didn't break up with me, and where the fuck are my paintings." I crossed my arms, glaring at Min-kyu as he furrowed his brows.

"Paintings? What paintings?" In a way, there was some sincerity with his words, but then again, something in his face just wasn't.

"You know damn well Min-kyu." I showed him the picture I had been sent by an unknown number.

And his face just dropped, looking at the picture and then back up at me.

"Alright, I get you hate me, but I wouldn't pull shit like that on you." Min-kyu scoffed, still in disbelief at the photo I showed him.

"I can't tell if you're being serious." I glared at him intently, trying to watch for his body language.

"If it helps, I swear that this wasn't me." He replied, and I just gave a sigh of annoyance. I guess he was telling the truth.

I wasn't completely convinced, because of his initial reaction of me being here and mentioning my paintings, but I could trust him to say that he didn't vandalise my paintings and break them.

With no leads, I turned back around, not even saying a word more to him - because, what more can I say?

I sat in my car, not driving yet and just having some time to collect my thoughts.

That eliminates Min-kyu from the suspect list, kind of, I still will always doubt that guy.

That means, Boyoung, unfortunately, is my prime suspect in this current moment.

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