Chapter 7 - Finding her

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"How about this one?" Liam tilts his phone towards me as we walk across the quad.

I check out the dance on the screen. "Yeah, I've seen that one. We could give it a go."

"Great," Liam says as I let my eyes wander over the people hurrying to class. "I'll send it to you and we can practice later today. I'd like to film it on the ice."

"On the ice?"

"Yeah, get people excited about the season."

I shake my head. "Whatever you say. You know you should really come work for me. I'm going to need a PR person."

"Fuck that. You know I'm all in with hockey."

"I know."

"Liam," a sickly sweet voice shouts.

I stop myself from rolling my eyes as Eve appears ahead of us like the wraith she is.

"Come on," Liam turns and I know he wants to avoid her.

"Hold up." I grab his arm. "I need you to play nice."

"What the fuck for?" He's glaring at me. His and Eve's breakup was not pretty. He found out she was a bit too friendly with a professor. She said it was all for her grades, and he needed to understand. He didn't.

"I need her new roommate's number."

"You do not want to get with the devil's roommate. I refuse to hang out with her."

"Relax. I won't be dragging you along when I hang out with Lily."

Liam sighs, but waits with me as Eve comes up to us.

"Liam," she nods. Then she turns to me. "And Ethan, you disappeared so quickly on Friday we never got our dance."

Liam stiffens next to me.

"I was never going to dance with you, Eve. I told you that. There's a code." I tilt my head towards Liam. She notices and her face fills with understanding.

"Oh, I see."

"Besides, I was hoping you could give me Lily's number."

"Lily?" She stares at me as if she has no idea who I'm talking about.

"The girl you introduced to me. The one who ran away. Her name was Lily, right?"

"Yeah, but why do you want her number?"

I shrug. "Why not?"

She huffs. "I don't think I should just give out her number. You're going to have to ask her yourself."

"Come on, can you help me out?" I'm so close to begging, it's scary.

"I really don't see why you need her number. It's not like you have anything in common."

"I'm not so sure about that. But I guess if you're not going to help me out, then maybe I'll see you around." I bump Liam to get him moving.

"She's not pretty enough for you," Eve says as we start walking away.

I clench my fist. "She seemed plenty pretty to me," I shout over my shoulder. I refuse to get pulled into some argument, but I also can't let her speak about Lily like that.

"I really don't get what you ever saw in her," I say to Liam.

"I'm pretty sure it was witchcraft," Liam says. "And, was she flirting with you?"

"It doesn't matter. I'd never go against the bro code."

Liam scoffs. "Just don't date her, she's... not a good person."

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