Chapter Twenty Three

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Authors note: Short chapter, I apologize! The last chapter will come soon followed by the Epilogue! Enjoy!  

Emotions will arise and you need to be able to handle them when the time comes.

Was that time now?

Khalia pondered this as the blade cut into his flesh. Sinking deep into the shoulder muscle underneath. Their combined momentum caused it to pierce deeper, hitting the bone, making her hand slip off the hilt. His body shuddered then lurched backwards, as he rose to his feet. The peculiar sound of sizzling grew between them, spreading to the other observers in the vicinity.

Theo did a double take between the dagger and Khalia. Raising his arm, he pulled the weapon out of him, whimpering loudly when it exited with a sickly squelch. The blood on the blade bubbled, its crimson color blackening while the viscosity took after tar. The smell of copper pricked his nose and his breathing became labored. Grinding his teeth, Khalia's ears twitched at the noise.

"...Lia Baby."

His skin around the wound charred and flaked away in pieces, the blood matching that on the dagger. Going to raise his arm he grimaced, and it went down limply. That's when he shifted.

Immediately she perceived his previous change to be grandstanding and she despised him even more. Barely having completed blinking before he was fully changed. Not even a second had passed once he moved upon her. Seeing that she wasn't going to stand in time, Khalia raised her arms to block her head.

It did nothing to lessen the strike. His right leg connected with her ear and where she sat moments ago the rest saw nothing but blood splatter. Theo watched her body ragdoll into one of the bronze vases, shattering the ornate pottery before coming to a stop in the grassy field. The scream that left her was drowned out swiftly by Theo's roar.

Raising herself to her knees Khalia sat dazed. Sounds around her were muffled, hearing just the blood sloshing around in her ear. It poured steadily out the gash along the side of her skull. Running down the base of her neck and dripping on to her shoulder. Moving her tongue she crept it over her molars, flinching when she met two broken ones.

Dull cracking noises resonated through her body, the bones binding themselves back together. Agonizingly she stood wobbling ever slightly. Theo stalked over to where the dagger lay, resembling a sowing needle in his hand as he scooped it up. Throwing his arm back he tossed at her.

Khalia watched it land a few inches away. Gradually she leaned to pick it up taking her eyes off Theo temporarily.

"You're tricky. The hunter became the hunted. Unfortunately, you need practice."

Khalia tensed at his words. Theo was now in human form but his body wriggled under the rays of the sun. Contouring and twisting, sprouting fur in various regions before the tuffs vanished back into the flesh.

"A fight to the death? Is that what you want? Very foolish. I'll give you one last chance to make it up to me Lia Baby. Get on your knees my Fated."

Khalia clenched her jaw and glowered as he spat those words.

"You're a rabid dog who should have been put down long ago. Cvengros deserved better, Esyin deserved better."

She spoke evenly, taking notice of his faltering smile.

"Ah, someone's been oversharing. She was a good bitch through the entire thing. I even bought her a new dress after, that shallow ingrate still took her life.

Going to speak a spine-chilling howl echoed over the garden. Everyone turned to the mansion, watching as the doors flew open, the women and children rushing out. The men, petrified on the porch, soon stalked behind their families and packmates, who beelined for Gian.

Summer Bliss: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now