Karma is my girlfriend

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(6 months later)

Lalay's pov.

As you would have guessed or drawn the conclusion.

Little old me, an uneducated club waitress,

Is the CEO of Amelia Oakland's beauty company.

I'm currently enrolled in a 4 year course for this position.

Amelia gave me a very hot and sexy assistant,
who qualifies for this position to guide and help me.

Once I graduate, Guess who won't need an assistant?

Yes, you guessed right!
I'll have an assistant of my own choosing.

It's 12 September, around 5am guess where I am at?

My office.

Infact I got here at 3am to make my employees sweat blood.

Working at the club sharpened me, made my punctuality impeccable.

My gorgeous assistant Denise Sandlers, just walked in.

Perfectly slick blonde pony tail in with stylist pearl hair clips.

A white slick blouse showing off that double D cleavage.

A white satin mini pencil skirt with a slit on the side.

Nude stocking and white glittering six inch heals.

Perfection in human form if you will.

A large cup of coffee on one hand and 6 folders on the other.

The coffee was placed on my desk, along with six folders.

Her nailed were french tips with diamonds in the middle,
Forming a straight line.

A smile graced her beautiful plump red lips.

"Morning Miss Dove, how do you do?"

She said looking at me with admiration.

"I'm well thanks Miss Sandlers, how are you?"

I asked pleased with her warm greeting.

"I'm very impressed with you,
I won't lie to you.
You always on time and your work exceeds the expected standard.
I personally believe that the company is safe in your hands."

Said Miss Sandlers, making my day golden.

"Thank you Miss Sandlers,
you just landed yourself in my good books.
I just want to say that you look stunning today.
I wanted to keep it inside but since you just complimented me
I might as well be honest."

I said with a genuine smile.

She blushed and giggled as her cheeks turned a shade of pink,
So did her ears.

Amelia walked in, in the mist of all this.

Entirely killing the atmosphere with her presence alone.

"Denise, Does Layla know that there is a meeting in an hour?
Or you shamelessly flirting in her office?"

Asked Amelia with such animosity that Miss Sandlers flinched.

"I-I was going to get to it."

Said Miss Sandlers, weakly.

"Since I'm here I'll run her up to speed.
Make yourself useful and go work on a PowerPoint and print out everything in this USB.
Exactly 3 copies."

Said Amelia as she rummaged in my cabinet and took my external hard drive.

"Layla babe,
I can't sit in for the meeting.
Do me this favor just this once and decide on my behalf.
I'm going out of the country for personal reasons.
I'll be back tomorrow don't worry."

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