360 degrees change

34 3 2

Layla's pov.

For 7 years I kept my head down and worked on a clothing company that I started.

It went from no buyers to having celebrity clients for all over the world.

I sleep for 4 hours a day but I'm not complaining.

All my employees are precious to me and I listen to them.

Working for ungreatful employers made me a person.

But I can't go on like this.

I went from sleep 4 hours to 5 weeks without sleep.

It's about time I got myself a right hand to manage things,
A Junior office CEO position.

I also need 3 assistances for 3 separate things.

So I posted on Social Media the Job posts and got back to work.

Making it clear that next month on specific dates I'll be holding interviews.

After handling fashion week, everyone on my team was exhausted.

I gave them two weeks off work to catch up on sleep.

And added fresh seamstresses Incase important clients needed outfits.

I put everything on hold for a week to do renovations.

Hopefully the office upgrades will make our lives easier.

Alot of equipment had to be added like coffee machines.

Office fridges and microwaves.

Brand new laptops, computers and tablets for my digital designs.

Fabric rooms, sewing rooms and fitting room had to be build and modernized.

Even though I wasn't in the office I was up and down monitoring that things are done on time.

Thank goodness the weather is sunny so the builders were able to finish in 3 days.

Day 4 the painters painted the building and it looked really beautiful.

Day 5 moving crew brought in everything I ordered.

(6 days later)

Things were done and my employees appreciated the extra space and privacy.

Each person had their own working station with everything they needed.

Aunty May's daughter Jules suggested to sit in the office for me.

She promised to call if an important client needs anything.

I ordered my driver to drive me home.

Back to my beloved Mansion to get some rest.

I ran to my bed blopping on it with satisfaction.

As soon as my head touched the bed I was out like a light.

I woke up the next day around 8pm.

Basically jumping out of bed to check my phone.

No miscalls from Jules made me exhaled in relief.

I drank some water and ordered vegatables and sushi to eat.

Desperate hard fast  knocks on my door made me jump.

Money made me paranoid because I had plenty of it.

Even money to be on billboards and Tv and to make my parents beg for forgiveness.

I forgave them under one condition.

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