Fight for us

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Veronica's pov.

Layla woke up and I was near her, pushing Karla out of the way.

She looked at me glaring so hard before sitting up. Layla had a few stitches and the guilt threatened to swallow me whole.

"Karla." Said Layla fidgeting in my grasp and my heart sank completely. I watched my oldest sister move me out of the way smirking.

"I'm here." She said smiling delightfully. It was like the room was too hot for me as my eyes stung.

"Karla, can you give us a moment." Said Layla lighting a candle of hope in my soul. Karla's smile dropped and she looked terribly hurt.

"Layla she's married to Miles and pregnant for him.
Why should I give y'all time to bond?
You'll planning to unite behind my back?
I certainly won't share you with Veronica.
If you want her y'all both can have each other."

Said Karla spitting venom and destroy everything selfishly.

"What if she's married, did you hear me say I want to marry?
Your jealousy is pissing me off, I don't go for people who try to control me Karla.
Is this who you are? Are you this toxic?"

Said Layla before coughing non stop. I hope Karla is happy. Isn't this is what she wanted? To make her self look better at me expense.

Karla walked out with tears falling out of her eyes. I gave Layla water and sunk in the chair next to the hospital bed.

She drank the water and looked at me. She handed the water back at me and I put it down.

"You have a month to divorce your lover.
Yes I'm not asking you I'm telling you."

Said Layla in a sharp tone that even though gentle, it sounded like a whip.

"You want to be with me? If I divorce Miles, w-we will be together?
I-is that what you saying?
Because I'll do! I love you more than I love him and this baby combined."

I said honestly because it was the truth. I made a huge mistake out of fear and I'm already regretting it. If there is any chance that we can burry the past and be together. I sure as hell won't stand in the way.

"I'm glad we see eye to eye. We obviously played enough games hurting each other and taking selfish decisions.
No more. Let it be us against the world."

Said Layla melting my heart and I was about to respond when Miles walked in pissed off. He put the flowers next to Layla's bed and sat in an empty chair.

"Yes, it's us against the world Layla.
Miles I'm sorry for disappointing you yet again.
But please take back your ring.
I'll like to file for a divorce."

I said and Miles laughed unphased.
He crossed one leg over the other and looked at us.

"Ladies be reasonable, there is a child on the way.
Let's not be hasty and force a child to be born out of wedlock.
All three of us know better than any how costly it is to be raised by one biological parent.
Even worse on my end, I never met mine, they died after I was born.
I'm not using my child to forced our marriage but I'm being selfless.
Unless you hand my child to me to raise alone if you don't want him."

Said Miles and I snapped at him seething with anger.

"Nice speech but we will have shared custody and my kid will live with me.
Can your body create milk?
I don't think it can so it's obvious but if you want to take it to court than I'm game."

I said irritated and fustrated at his audacity, to waltz in here likes his Layla's best friend. Is he really standing there and acting like he didn't bring girls home and sleep with him Infront of me?

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