The initiation test

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Veronica's pov.

(6 months later)

After that threat that I received from Layla, I wasn't ever the same again.
I had opened up to the wrong person and paid for it.

So I decided to keep things to myself and let all of the secrets eat me alive. I arrived an hour early to work and was the last one to leave.

Everything I touched turned to gold and Layla noticed. Today was no difference as I handled the pitch perfectly.

I've been working on it for awhile and it showed. Didn't even have to look at my cue cards. The investors were mesmerized.

Especially Mrs Haze who stayed after all the investors left. Layla was still in the room typing something. She had arrived to listen in and not help.

I liked the trust she had in me to give me such an opportunity, so naturally I didn't waste it one bit. Mrs Haze made her way to me standing too close.

I stood my ground not moving but glared at her invading my personal space. Than I remembered that I'm now small fish and need to behave and adjust the glare to a poker face.

"Mrs Haze, I hope everything was to your liking?"

I asked nervously and flinched when she touched my hands.

"Oh I'm impressed alright, I had come here expecting Gina Dove to pitch.
I like that she let her employees shine."

Said Mrs Haze connecting her palm with mine and interlocking our fingers.

"I appreciate your warmth. Thank you for signing with us, I hope that we work-.......Ahhh."

I said and jumped in utter shock when she spanked my ass. Oh fuck no.
I need to teach this old bat some manners! Or I wish I could.

"Mrs Haze, you are stepping on my foot. This is not a bar but it's my bloody office.
I'll not only report you for harassing my employee but also cancel the deal.
You chose the wrong day to be a pervert.
Or you think my employees haven't complained about you?"

Layla roared like a Tiger as she stood between us.

"Angel, go make me coffee and take your sweet time with it. I want a triple cream chilled Mocha."

Said Layla not looking at me. I left there in speed but I wanted to ease drop so I did.

"Gina baby, you need my connections trust me.
Forgive me for old habits that die hard."

Said Mrs Haze and I almost screamed when I felt a man press on my behind.
I turn to see Mr Haze behind me. Mrs Haze younger husband that looked to be our age.

"I see I'm not the only one whose nosy."

He said moving away and placing his ear at the door looking at me with a smile. His stupidly handsome, I won't lie and has the cutest dimples.

"Be quiet Sir, or we will miss something important."

I said to which he chuckled in his hands. Ugh this idiot will get us caught before I can hear anything.

"You made a huge mistake touching my property Mrs Haze. I overlooked your behavior till your touched my junior CEO.
If it's not obvious, what ever business bond we had is over.
If I see you anywhere near Miss Gilbert, I'll definitely take you to caught.
Oh you think that this wasn't caught on camera think again.
For the sake of our friendship, I decided to go easy on you and exile you instead of reporting you.
Behave yourself Mrs Haze or you aiming to find young beauties in prison."

Said Layla wickedly and I didn't believe my ears. She defended me.
The deal is off so I won't have to deal with that perverted old woman.

The smile is my face was wide and was hard to get rid of. I will definitely over look her cold bitchy behavior from now on.

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