Death or dishonor?

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Veronica's pov.

"Wear your masks!
If we shoot her it can be quickly traced back to us.
We need to make it look like Mafia's work."

Said Karla,
dropping a ball that emitted green gas. It seems that everyone has their protection mask except me. These mother fuckers!!!!?!!!!

"Wakey, wakey princess. It's time for a fair well.
If only you knew how to shut your mouth, you could be enjoying life too."

Said Kristen in a cheery voice. I bet she's bloody over the frickin moon right now. Always believed I was overrated.

"Sticks and stones sweetheart. If they can get rid of me. What's stopping them from getting rid of yo-"

I said getting cut off by my mouth being  stuffed with a clothe. Than only was I able to really take in my surrounding. This is some forest like place with a lake.

Both my hands and feet were tied to a wooden arm chair. They wasted no time pushing the chair into the water.
I reached the bottom of the lake fast.

It's not deep but it's capable of drowning me. I held my breath and tried untying my wrists. Nothing worked and I was running out of time. I closed my eyes thinking of Layla.

I regret not forgiving her even after she explained everything. I wasted time being bitter and now I regret it.

  Than I saw something move in the water and thought it was an animal coming to put me out of my misery. I saw someone cutting the robes and freeing me from the chair before running out of breathe.

I coughed water after in Nick's arms not believing my luck. He save me!

"Damnit Veronica! If they find out I came back for you I'm toast.
But I need someone in my corner.
They just proved to me that I'll be sleeping with one eye open."

Said My twin brother Nick. I saw Brice on look out and smirked. You can't separate identical twins. We will always put each other first no matter what.

The choice between Layla and older siblings was simple, they just threw me in the water, so our bond is finished. My twin brothers will always come before everyone including Layla.

"Hurry the fuck up! It's like you are dying to get caught.
Carry Veronica to the abandoned Cabin."

Said Brice, loading his silencer gun. He looked around making sure no one  had discovered us. Than be followed us to the Abandoned Cabin.

Nick placed me on the floor and gritted his teeth. He glared at me so hard that I looked away.

"If you keep running your mouth both of us will die and you'll have no one to bail you out.
We've been gone for so long, we need to leave right now to keep suspicion low."

Said Nick and I cried and hugged him, apologizing over and over for putting us in this situation. I assumed they are not cowards but they proved me wrong.

"I'm sorry." I said and the three of us hugged crying in each other's arms.
Shit just got real and one of us went swimming with the fishes.

The best thing I can do is to play dead and remain out of site for the sake of my brothers.

"It's okay Veron. We are supposed to protect each other. I thought Venice knew that. I guess we now know Karla is his favorite."

Said Brice irritated and emotionally drained.

"I get that I mess up. I promise I won't surface till Karla, Venice and Kristal are dead. Give Layla this necklace.
Tell her who killed me and make it anonymous and make sure y'all don't add yourselves to the dead pool just those three abominations."

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