Jig is up

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Lalay's pov.

Have you ever had everything go wrong in a short space of time?

Well guess we have that in common.

Unfortunately for me, we found ourselves in unmoving traffic.

As if directed by Lucifer himself, Amelia went to today's footage.

I wanted the car seat to open up and swallow me.

It's like the car had run out of oxygen,
Eaten by Shelly in the back seat.

She watched us work together on the Paris launch promotions in silence.

"You'll seem close, you and Denise."

Amelia pointed out as the footage kept rolling.

I prayed hard for the cars to start moving,
So she would stop watching.

But some part of the universe was a sadist.

The cars barely moved and inch as the  robot kept closing after two cars.

Than my worst fear came to past.

The footage of Denise and I flirting was in full display.

Amelia frowned deeply not tearing her eyes from it.

But it got worse, the cards were now all on the table.

Amelia watched our sex scene repeatedly from start to finish.

To make sure she wasn't dreaming or hallucinating.

She grabbed her phone so hard that the screen cracked.

"I really underestimated the both of you."

Said Amelia in a cold distant voice of indifference.

"Especially that bitch Denise.
It's fine. May the best woman win.
Denise will volunteerly quit her job when you choose me.
What she can do, I can do a 100 times better.
No worries Layla, I like competition.
Who doesn't like competition to keep her on her toes?"

Said Amelia sounding like a lunatic.

She almost sounded excited and angry at the same time.

I'm still nervous because I'm failing to believe I've gotten away with it.

Knowing my luck, things are going to get real as soon as we get home.

My sick head was doing over time thinking,
of all the ways Amelia would skin me alive.

Maybe she will tell Shelly to swallow me.

I didn't like the sinister look on her face.

She looked like her demon was now awake and driving.

Oh Denise, what have we done?

Once the traffic cleared, I found myself treading to get home.

To deal with the questions of that specific footage.

I had questions of my own.

What's going on in Amelia's mind?

Why did she react the way she reacted?

I was scared, confused and regretful.

Sex with Denise  didn't seem worth the anxiety.

I wish Amelia would of slapped me and called me names.

Atleast I would of knew how she felt.

This "mature" approach seems like looking down the edge of a cliff.

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