Memories IV

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Angelina's POV

"When will she wake up?"

"Its too much"

"Should we just wake her up?"

"Try that, and I will sue your fucking hands"

Some mumble voices came floating in my ears. Unable to comprehend who were they, I decide to make them know that I am already awake. Thomas is however one of them, his voice stands out the most. The rest is... I don't know. I slowly stir myself up from the bed, rubbing my eyes in an attempt to see their faces. Their gossiping stopped, and I stared bewildered at the people standing in front of me.

Thomas, Garrick, and other two boys, same age as Thomas's standing infront of my bed, with their hands crossed across their chest. While Thomas sat in the chair, like a fucking king, the rest stood, all of their eyes snapping at my direction the moment they realised I was awake. I blink away the surprise, hoping they would talk, but this people are as weird as this region.

Moments passed, and I decide to break the silence. "What is it....", I trail off, hoping they will answer, but they didn't, rather they looked at each other's face. Goddamn. The fuck is wrong with them.

"Hi... I am Brandon. Brandon Leister", the bald head boy who stood near me, extended his hands as a greeting which I accepted graciously. His dark skin, and brown hair gave him a majestic look, allowing him to become the exception among the others.

"I am Angelina Everhart", I say smiling at his manners. He is definitely not like the other two standing at my right. The infamous Garrick whom I threatened, and the one who thinks own the world, Thomas.

"I am Mason. Mason Elliot Hastings", the second guy greeted, warmly and which I accepted nodding and smiling. He is fair,blike Thomas, but his hair is a bit brunette. Maybe not all men in this place are as monsterous as the other two standing.

"Maybe you don't need my introduction", Garrick said awkwardly shifting his weight between Thomas and Mason. The former is emotionless as usual, however the later held back a smile.

"No", I say gingerly, "I already know you enough". I roll my eyes, at his expression. Surely his pride is something I want to smash before leaving this goddamn place. "So can I know, why you all are standing here, at my room?"

Brandon and Mason shared a mutual eye contact, while Garrick rolls his eyes. Thomas on the other hand, hadn't spoken a single word, that made me strangely irritated. "We are here to introduce ourselves?", Brandon suggests, to which I roll my eyes.

"Stop it. Now that you have seen her, lets head back to work", finally that bastard of a man Thomas, spoke. His voice deep, and cold as ever. But a confusion lingered in my stomach, and I suddenly have that urge to clear it.

"Seen me? Why? Am I a doll or something?", I blurt out the question, as all the eyes in the room snap at me, and making me feel intimidated and small infront of this huge giants like species that call themselves Man.

"No, but you have put enough attention to yourself on the first day we thought of making you walk through that corridor", Garrick replied pointing to the hallway outside my room, and I again find myself having the urge to smack his head. The attitude. Its too much. Thats when it hit me. He is talking about the Zack incident. I proudly lift my chin, a smirk playing on my lips, earning a quirked eyebrow from Thomas, and a snort from Mason.

"Zack is a bit of a womanizer, but...", Mason trails off, "But now, he can never charm a woman, because of you", Brandon completes his sentence, not completely accusing me, but I take it as an accusation.

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