20. Charisma

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I turned the door knob and it was stuck. I tried with all my force but the door wouldn't open. I turned my gaze back to my siblings. Lucie exclaimed louder "Did you summon the demon?" she asked and my gaze was averted from the door.

"Why cant we see him?" I asked immediately and Gast's faint form appeared in front of his dead body, my gaze was staring at him the awful sight of him wasn't bothering me anymore.

"You three see more than you should." Emmanuel Gast commented and James rolled his eyes.

"Answer the question." He pushed the ghost to speak, he had taken a step in front, a protective mark he had taken after our father who always was a step in front of us when there was jeopardy or even a small alert.

"I am the one who raised. I, Emmanuel Gast, the most scorned warlock. Years ago the Spiral Labyrinth turned against me, they casted me out of their society, My golden reward was taken from me. I have been forced to the the lowliest of hires to feed and clothe myself, Yet all this time I learned I studied and I got wiser." Gast had his small moment of fame. He stared at us, his gaze flying from me to Luce to James and then back to Luce. "I see the way you look at me- you scorn me for raising such demon- a death dealer, the poisoner of life. But the gold. I needed it besides the demon will kill only shadowhunters."

"It already did!" I exclaimed and I felt a tight grip at the edge of my gloves, Luce held my hand.

"Someone paid you to do this, who was it?" Luce exclaimed and the ghost seemed confused.

"You are shadowhunters... but at the same time you aren't. You in the middle dragged me out the brink?" Gast spoke and he raised his hand towards us. "You are monsters-. This power is monstrous-." He spoke, the blood was dripping even more into the floor.

"Monstrous? You know what is monstrous? The fac that you summoned these creatures into the world knowing the damage they would do." Lucie's yelled louder and the presence of the ghost got intense getting me sick to my stomach.

"You know nothing of me. I raised it but kept it in its prison- until my death came and my murderer released it." Gast spoke up avoiding to give a name.

"Who. Did It." I could hear the frustration in Lucie's voice as I was feeling the color slowly draining from my face, James looked uneased as well.

"I will not-."

"You will!" Lucie insisted with a louder and the door swang open as if a paranormal explosion I felt the ghost go right through us as an attempt to go away. I shifted my glare to James and felt my breath get caught in my chest, Lucie dragged me out of the room, James was to follow suit while he was becoming a shadow. I felt paralyzed-

I opened my eyes. Looked around, and found myself holding a dagger to someone's neck. A woman, she was shaking but she was calm. I felt a familiar ticking close to my hand, as if it was clockwork. I surveyed better- it was my mother, her hand softly holding my wrist, even know that she was a bout to have her last breaths.

"James- stay where you are, Luce you too everything is going to be alright-." My mother's voice still soothing.

"I didn't have you for a liar daughter." I said, I felt a bitterness in my mouth as if I smoked sulfur.

"Get out of her! Its me you wanted all along, I can travel to the realm- I am more useful than you." James begged and took some steps towards us. "I will do whatever you tell me to do." He added, he was panicking. The shake of his voice betraying him.

"I told you grandson- your resistance will have chaotic consequences- you were too weak and now your family will pay the price." I said and my heart was breaking at the words leaving my mouth, I was trying to stop myself drop the knife but I couldn't no matter how hard I tried. James' eyes was tearing up, he looked left and then at the ground. My gaze turned to the spot he stared at on the left... My dad was laying to the ground paler than usual, he shifted slightly, he seemed dizzy, disorientated.

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