Chapter 5

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Hyunjin's Pov:

        Unless there's a side to him that I don't know yet.. Eh, I highly doubt that that's the case, he seems like any honest, and good guy. But I'm not sure, but that's probably it, maybe people just don't know him well enough yet. I sighed and sat down on my bed, grabbing my phone from the side table and unlocking it to look at Instagram. My favorite influencer just posted, I'm so happy! I checked his newest post and saw it was a picture for his balcony. He lived in a penthouse, so the pictures were alway beautiful. I liked the picture and turned off my phone, heading to my bathroom so I could get ready for bed since it was already pretty late. 

         I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face quickly, before I left and went into my bedroom. I went over to my dresser and grabbed some silk pajamas my mom got me for my birthday a few years ago. I put on my pajamas and sat on my bed opening up my phone again, so I could check to see if anyone posted while I was in the bathroom. I saw my favorite influencer followed me back, I smiled and turned my phone back off to get up and turn off the lights. I turned them off and got back into my bed laying down for the day. I grabbed the pillow that was on the other side of the bed from me and hugged it to my stomach. It was a stupid habit, but at least it helps me fall asleep easier.

          I woke up to the morning sun beaming through the spaces in my blinds, hitting my face in a way that warmed my face. I smiled, sitting up and stretching my arms, and pointing my toes to stretch out my legs. I rubbed my eyes, waking myself up a bit more. I grabbed my phone for my side table and opened Instagram checking for any updates on the people I follow. I noticed that there wasn't anything new so I shut my phone off and got up to go to my bathroom. I opened the door and looked at myself in the mirror, noticing my hair was sticking up all over the place. I laughed to myself and grabbed the hairbrush that was to the left of me and started brushing my hair, hoping to get any knots and tangles out. Luckily it worked, but my hair was still puffy, so I had to put some water on my hands and brush them through my hair. 

        After I was down with the hair situation I brushed my teeth, looking at myself in the mirror deciding what clothes I would wear today. I thought about it for a minute more before spitting out my toothpaste and wiping out any extra that was around my mouth. I walked out of the bathroom walking over to my closet, picking out a light pink baggy shirt and dark blue wide legged ripped jeans. I put them on, looking at myself in my mirror, deciding to change out my earrings from yesterday. I settled on some black dangling ones, putting them on carefully to not irritate my ears anymore than they already were. I had pretty sensitive ears, so if something was too heavy for them, I'd know later in the day when they turn red. 

        I look myself up and down in the mirror, deciding that I look really good. I grabbed my fake black glasses, put them on top of my head and grabbed my tote bag that was on my bed frame. I put my phone, apartment key, and my wallet in the bag. I decided I was going to go out today, I don't know where, I just don't want to be cooped up all day. Maybe I'll just go for a walk around the park. It's been awhile since I was there, they could've changed something. I nodded to myself, letting a smile crawl onto my face. 

      I left my apartment, making sure to lock the door before I left. I walked away after I knew the door was locked, and there was no chance of it being unlocked. I walked out of the building, waving to the woman who sat at the front desk. I took a left, if I remember the directions correctly, I just stay on the street until I get to the end of the road then I take a right and I'm there. I'm not sure though, I'll try it and if it doesn't work I'll look up the directions, it's always fun to try.


Hello! Sorry for the later update today, I had a little bit of writers block, but I was able to pull through, hope you enjoy this chapter!

Have a good day/night!! Love you all!! <33

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