Chapter 14

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Hyunjin's Pov:

              I couldn't stop myself from thinking about Felix again, he is just such a mystery to me, although a thing about me is I'll never say no to a good puzzle. I looked at the memo I just grabbed, reading it, making sure it was correct before sending it to the manager of my branch.  I noticed there was a few small errors so I had to fix them before I gave it too Sunghoon, my manager.  He let me know that it was good and he's send it to the manager on the floor above us. I sat back down in my chair, and let out a sigh before grabbing another project to work on.

               There was still a bit of time before work was over, but not enough for me to be able to work on anything. I settled on walking around the building until it was time to leave. I grabbed my phone and bag since I would just leave right after it hit five o'clock. I walked through the hall, wrapping the bag across my side and clutched the string. The hallways on this floor are very long, I've just come to notice this even though it feels like I've been through this hallway about a hundred times already. 

               I looked at the time on my phone, five minutes until I can leave. Don't get me wrong, so far I really like this job, but it's a lot of work. I guess that's how it is, the harder you work, the more pay you get. That's good for me because Han invited me to go out to eat at a fancy place tonight that I don't think I would've been able to go to before. I smiled to myself as I wondered around the tenth floor, I've only been to the floor I work on and occasionally the fifth floor because the person that fact checks the papers works there, and now I'm realizing the company has a lot of workers. If I were Felix I don't think I'd ever be able to know who all worked for me, it would me way too confusing. 

                  I checked my phone one final time before leaving the building and heading home. I clutched the handle of my bag and walked on the sidewalk. I need to go straight home and get changed so I can get to our reservation on time. I started humming a quiet song to myself as I kept walking to my apartment. The building came into my sight so I started walking a bit quicker to give myself just an extra few minutes to get ready. I grabbed my key from a pocket in my bag and unlocked the door to my room.

               I was able to get showered and cleaned up within twenty minutes, so in the current moment I'm in my room, butt naked looking for clothes nice enough to wear. I basically tore apart my whole closet to find a white button down shirt, black jeans, and a few rings and a necklace. I put on my underwear and socks then my main clothes, looking at myself in the mirror and nodding to myself, putting my best smile on my face. I went back to the bathroom, grabbing my black nail polish, Han and I always paint our nails when we go out to eat with each other, it's basically become a fun tradition of ours.

              The nail polish dried pretty quick, so I was able to leave a bit quicker than I thought I would. I grabbed my keys, phone, and my cross bag before leaving my apartment to go to the restaurant. I know tonight will be fun, they always are. I smiled as I walked down the sidewalk, my anticipation rising with each step.


Hello!! Sorry for not updating for a while! I know at first I updated this almost everyday, but is seems as right now there'll be slower. BUT don't think that means I forgot about this story! I plan on seeing this series through, so don't get worried if I don't update for a while!! Also 1.6k, it gets higher each time I check, and I thank you all so much for that!! Your guys are so amazing!! 

Love you all so much!!<333 Have a good day/night!!

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