Chapter 12

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Hyunjin's Pov:

              I felt myself drifting into a slow slumber, closing my eyes slowly and letting the darkness consume me. 

              I woke up when the sun started peeking through my curtains, shining at my face warming it in a kind manner. I looked at my ceiling for a few minutes, thinking about how my day was going to happen. I still needed to get up earlier that I normally did so I threw the covers off of my and sat up to stretch. I grabbed my right arm and crossed it across the front of my chest to get my arm ready for the day. I soon did the same thing with my left are to help wake me and my muscles up.

           I was in my bathroom looking at my reflection, studying my current appearance.  Right now it wasn't that bad, I've seen way worse, but it could still use a little work. I grabbed the hair brush that was on the side of the counter and started brushing my hair. I noticed there was a huge knot at the back of my head,  so it would probably take a few minutes to get that out. 

             It was an easy task to get fully ready, it was all the same steps as yesterday, except this time I actually had the uniform. I already had my bag packed along with a small breakfast I was going to eat on the way there, so it seems that I'm ready to go. I grabbed my bag and headed towards the door, saying goodbye to Kkami on the way out. I opened the door and went out to the hallway with an apple in my hand to keep me full until lunch time. 

           While I was on my way to the office, about five minutes away I saw Changbin in front of me talking to a couple of others that are also on the same floor as I am. I walked a little quicker to catch up to them. Changbin saw me as I was approaching them, "Oh, hey Hyunjin! How's it going?" I looked at him and smiled, now walking along side them because they had slowed down when they saw me. "Good, how about you?" He smiled back at me and answered. "I'm good. Also a bit random, but did you meet these guys yet?" He gestured to the friends he was walking with. I nodded a bit and answered, "A bit. I sat with you guys at lunch yesterday, but I don't believe I caught your guys' names." Changbin nodded and made a face of slight realization. "Wow, you're right! That's my bad." He pointed to the man on the far left of the group, "That's Bang Chan, he's our IT guy." I nodded at Changbin and did a little wave to the man I now knew as Bang Chan, he waved back and gave me a smile. He then pointed to the boy on his right, "This is Lee Know, he works in the Tech department." I looked at Lee know and did a small smile and wave to which he returned it. "And finally this is Woojin, he's a security guy that works on the fifth floor." I smiled at the man and waved, he did the same back and Changbin started talking again. 

          We eventually got to the office ten minutes later. All the people Changbin introduced me too were so nice, I'm really happy I was able to properly meet them today. We all walked inside the building together and went our separate ways. Changbin came with me to the elevator, since we worked on the same floor it wouldn't make much sense if we took separate ones. We went up together, talking on the way up. "Are you excited for today?" I looked at him and smiled, "Yeah! I'm so excited, yesterday went really well. I'm hoping today will be just as good." He smiled and nodded at me in agreement. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure today will be just as good." I smiled and we both looked forward when the elevator dinged to let us know we had gotten to the fifteenth floor. We both got out and went to go to our desks. 

         I brought my bag over to my char and put it so it was hanging off the back of it. Just then my phone rang from my back pocket, I took it out of my pocket and looked at the caller ID. It was Felix, what does he want? I answered it, bringing the phone to my ear, "Hello?" The line was quiet for a second before a heard an answer, "Hey Hyunjin, I have a favor to ask." 


     Hello!! It's been a while hasn't it! I decided to just make a chapter today because  was getting tired of procrastinating doing it, so here we are! I did't proof read this chapter, so if there's an error anywhere please let me know!!

       Moving on, my phone still isn't working and I'm starting to get a little bit worried, but all I need on my phone is on my computer so I'm not that upset about it. Also, the reason I added Woojin in this was because I needed another member of the group to add, but there wasn't anymore so I just decided to use him. 

        Lastly, thank you all so so much!! the last real chapter I added the reads were had 600, now it's at 1k! So I wanted to thank all of you guys for reading this I love you all so much!! Have a good day/night!!! <3333



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