Chapter 10

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Hyunjin's Pov:

      I looked over at him, and he just did a saluting motion with his right hand, like I was about to go to war. I laughed at his humor as I picked up the pile and started towards the elevator. I pressed the up button, going up to the top floor where Felix's office was. The elevator door closed after I pressed the button and I started going up. I looked around the walls of the elevator now that there was a couple minutes until I got to the top. The walls were beige and there were a couple flowers painted on the walls, they were sakura flowers. Sakura flowers are one of my favorites. They represent life and death, and beauty and violence, they're absolutely breathtaking. I smiled at the pink painted flowers on the wall, and traced one gently with my finger until the elevator dinged signaling that it reached the top floor. 

I turned to face the door, waited for it to open, it took a second but it opened nonetheless. 

          I clutched the papers closer to my chest and I stepped once the doors opened. I walked down the hallway slowly dragging my feet since I wasn't really a hundred percent sure this is where I was supposed to go, so the more I delayed it, the later the embarrassing stuff would happen. I kept walking down the hallway until I saw the office door about six feet in front of me. I knocked on the door, waiting for an answer when I heard a rough sounding "Come in". I took a deep breath, hoping that Felix wouldn't yell at me for disturbing him or something. He looked up at me from his desk before he smiled, "Oh! Hi Hyunjin, are you done with the papers already?" I let out a quiet breath of relief that he didn't yell at me before smiling back at him and answering, "Yeah I just got done with it, so I thought I'd bring it up." He nodded and pointed to an empty spot on his desk. "Okay, just put them down there. Thanks." I nodded, putting them down and turning to leave. As I left his office I heard him picking up the papers, he was probably just checking it over. "Hey Hyunjin," I turned my neck back at him, because I was already out the door. I stopped leaving, and turned around to walk back into his office, "You didn't do the back of this one." I furrowed my eyebrows. All the other papers weren't double-sided, I guess I just forgot to check it, "Really? Sorry, I didn't know one had a back to it." Be smiled at me, "No need to apologize, some other people have made that mistake before, you're not the first." He smiled at me with his handsome welcoming look. "Should I do it right now Felix?" He nodded "It'd probably make more sense that way. You can do it in my office if you want. It'll only take a minute." I needed and grabbed a pencil that was in a cup on the corner of his desk, I took the paper and sat in an empty seat in the corner.

          The paper only took about a minute, I put it in the pile with all the others and went to leave for real this time, "Bye Hyunjin, see you tomorrow." I nodded and did a slight bow to him, even though he told me to not be so formal, I still want to have basic respect. "Bye Felix." I left his office, heading back to the elevator in a good mood, while smiling to myself. This Felix man, he seems pretty bipolar to me. I laughed mentally at the idea, yeah that can't be it, he's just dense. There's nothing wrong with that, I just think some people are close-minded. 

         I got to the fifteenth floor, when I looked at my watch I realized that the work day was already over and it was five. I let out a smile, people are right, this is an awesome place to work.


Hello!!! First of all, thank you all so much for five hundred reads already!!! You guys are insane, it was only at about 450 yesterday, you guys are awesome!! Thank you so much for reading this chapter!! 

By the way, I took a test today and I thought I was going to flunk it, BUT I ended up getting 100%😭 I swear my heart was racing so fast when I got the results. 

Also sorry for how slow paced this story is😭😭 I just don't know what I'm planning on doing for this so I just stress write 💀

Love you all!<333 Have a good day/night!!

Papercut «Hyunlix»Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora