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"Good evening, everyone!" the host began, introducing a new show funded by the top ten global pet supply groups. "What you're about to see is 'The Ultimate Divine Pet.'"

"In today's rapidly developing economy, pets have become the joy and spice of many families. But do you know how much potential your pet actually has? Do you know what your pet does when you are not home? Do you know if your pet can survive on its own without your care? Join 'The Ultimate Divine Pet' for a chance to rediscover your pet."

"We will soon be broadcasting live the exciting scenes of the first round of auditions, featuring pets and their owners," the host said, a young woman dressed as a bunny girl with a sweet appearance and melodious voice. "Now, let me detail the rules for advancing in this program and the rewards."

"The competition will begin with a nationwide audition, open to any household with a certified pet. Participants who successfully pass the audition will receive a thousand yuan prize. After the auditions, there will be three rounds of elimination, with the prize money increasing with each round. Finally, we will select the top hundred pets for the ultimate showdown."

"The top three pets nationwide will represent our country, Xia, in the global competition. If lucky enough to be the final winner, congratulations to that pet and its owner, as you will receive a super grand prize of ten billion!"

As the host spoke, the audience, initially indifferent, could no longer remain calm. The announcement of a pet talent show with a ten billion grand prize caused everyone's eyes to widen. Families with pets immediately turned their attention to their own pets, eager to participate. Many people who hadn't planned to watch the program were persuaded by friends and tuned in.

"This show is quite interesting, a pet talent show with such a huge prize. Really?" one viewer commented. "I think it's fine, it's more original than reality shows which are now just full of acting and sob stories. At least pets won't perform," another added.

"And you are overlooking the business opportunity!" another viewer pointed out. "As the program team said, there are so many households with pets nowadays! Now that living conditions have improved, pets' treatment has also been elevated, like dog and cat food, none of which have a well-known brand. If this program is done well, it might just lead to a major reshuffle in the pet supply industry."

Many viewers suddenly realized the potential. "No wonder then, the world's top ten groups have come together to fund such a program, targeting another potential consumer group beyond women and children," someone noted. "This is a good opportunity, I'll take my dog to audition tomorrow," another decided. "I'm participating too, just not sure how tough the audition will be!" "Tough or not? Just watch and find out," was the common sentiment as the online audience discussed during the live broadcast.

The host, after announcing the prize settings, officially started the program. The video screen split in two. On the left appeared an empty room. Inside, a girl with glasses held a dog, while a staff member explained something to her. On the other screen, there was a large room with a judges' panel. The host, standing in the middle of the judges' panel, resumed speaking with a sweet voice.

"Hello everyone, before the official start of the auditions, let me introduce the rules for this round of auditions," she said. "The first round of auditions will have just one test item: obedience. Being a good pet includes listening to its owner, which is crucial."

"So as you can see on the left screen, we will place a bowl of dog food in an empty room. Then the dog owner will pretend to leave and tell the dog not to eat the food in front of it. Because it's just the auditions, the requirements are quite low; the owner will only leave for three minutes. During these three minutes, if the dog doesn't eat the food in front of it, it passes! Those who pass get a thousand yuan prize!"

"Damn, that's so simple!" "Is it too easy to make money this way!" viewers exclaimed. "I've decided, I definitely have to take my dog to participate, my dog is the most obedient!" "The show is just giving away money, generous!" "I'm signing up now, a thousand yuan, it's mine!" Once the rules were announced, the chat exploded.

The host glanced at the live broadcast screen in front of her and smiled. She continued to speak. "Now, let me introduce you to this round's judges. First, I would like to introduce our country's top zoologist, Professor Tang Ming, Professor Tang!" "Professor Tang, as an authority in the field of animal research, what would you like to say to everyone?"

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