Chapter 4: The Champion Arrives

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As the staff's voice rang out, a sigh echoed through the studio. The owner of the Golden Retriever, grumbling, glanced at the now empty dog food bowl and led his dog away. "What a letdown, haven't I fed you everything delicious at home? You couldn't resist just this once?" he said, visibly dissatisfied as he turned to the staff. "There must be something wrong with this test dog food. My Golden Retriever is famously picky, and yet it couldn't resist for even three minutes!"

"This contestant, the dog food we use is professionally certified and completely safe," a staff member explained. "Safe? How can it smell so strong that even I find it ridiculous? What pet could withstand such temptation?"

"Caught off guard again!" "If this isn't staged, then I'm really feeling the challenge now." "I said it wasn't going to be easy to win that billion-dollar prize. Looks like very few will advance from the first round."

Following the live chat, the Golden Retriever's owner continued to voice his disbelief. "I refuse to believe there's nothing up with the dog food; maybe there's a scheme to let certain dogs advance." "You shouldn't make such accusations without evidence!" the staff member retorted, frowning. "Then why not let me watch the other contestants' tests? I don't believe any other dog could withstand what even my Golden Retriever couldn't."

The staff hesitated, quickly checking with superiors, and to the contestant's surprise, the production team agreed to his request. They even made him responsible for distributing the dog food for the subsequent tests. This arrangement swiftly quelled the budding skepticism among viewers.

The show continued, and soon, the third pet entered. Unlike the well-trained previous contestants, this entry, a giant fluffy dog named Piaogui, brought immediate comedic relief to the show. Resembling a polar bear with his dense white fur, he stood nearly as tall as his 1.55-meter-tall owner. Upon seeing the food, he charged straight for it, his panicked owner pushed several meters back on the slick floor by his sheer force. Before the staff could finish explaining the rules, Piaogui had already devoured the food, eliminating himself.

The audience roared with laughter at the pair's comical display. Over the next hour, the atmosphere of the show shifted dramatically, led astray by Piaogui's antics. Contestants one after another brought their own brands of chaos to the stage. Some began swaying crazily at the sight of food, while others drooled so much in their attempt to resist that they almost drowned in their own saliva, failing spectacularly to control themselves. These eliminations proved once again that the auditions were a major highlight of the show.

"I'm dying of laughter here, look at all that drool. I'm worried if it keeps up, that dog might die of dehydration!" "Who knew watching dogs eat could be so bizarre when their owners aren't around?" "Exactly, we never get to see such genuine reactions from these dogs under normal circumstances."

"It's a shame with so many dogs here; why isn't the comedy king of dogs, the Husky, present?" "Probably because Husky owners are well aware that 'obedient' isn't a word associated with Huskies. It'd be a waste of expressions if they came." "That's too bad, considering the antics of the supposedly obedient dogs we've seen so far. If a Husky were here, I can't imagine the chaos."

"Hold on, what's that?" The chat suddenly shifted focus. Contestant number 66 entered the camera's view. "Hahaha, speak of the devil, and he shall appear! The king is here!" "That number, truly 666." "Just the sight of this Husky brings to mind one phrase." "What phrase?" "Whether it eats or not, let's liven up the atmosphere!" "Haha, I'm looking forward to seeing what this Husky will stir up."

"No need to wonder, just seeing this Husky being the only one unleashed should tell you, this one is definitely special." "From my years of pet experience, obedient dogs usually walk beside or behind their owners. But look at this Husky, strutting ahead with such arrogance, proving his dominant status well above his cute owner who trails behind." "Is it really that mysterious?" "Well, have you ever seen any other dogs walking leash-free in public places?" "Actually, no!" "There you have it, I bet this one could outdo Piaogui and claim the last place at least."

"Though it may not advance, having such a cute girl as its owner is a lucky fate for the Husky." "Not to mention, this girl has a great figure. Even without seeing her face, just this side profile is absolutely goddess-level." "Not

just any goddess, but a lolita goddess. My heart flutters."

宠物灵魂觉醒Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora