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**Chapter 2: A Surprising Judge**As the host finished speaking, the first judge, an elderly man with meticulously combed white hair, stood up and greeted the camera with a bow. "Hello to all the viewers, I'm delighted to be part of this show," he began. "As a researcher in the field of animals, I'm gratified that topics about animals can gain attention through a program like this. However, I must say, this show is not as simple as you might think. In my view, it's not just a comedy or entertainment program. It's more intriguing to see how people and animals interact under various special circumstances. I believe the upcoming episodes will bring everyone genuine surprises and moments for reflection.""Thank you, Professor Tang, for joining us. Now, our next judge needs no introduction, I believe everyone knows him!" The host transitioned smoothly as the camera focused on the next guest, causing the audience to gasp in surprise."It's Hua Shen!""The production actually got Hua Shen, oh my god, am I seeing this right?""This production is incredible; they even got a superstar like him! I need to get my mom to watch this show.""Incredible, isn't it said that Hua Shen never serves as a judge? How did they manage this?""What a huge surprise, just for Hua Shen, I'm definitely following this show!"As the comments exploded online, Hua Shen stood up and greeted the camera with a smile. "Hello everyone, no need to look so shocked, yes, it's really me."Hearing Hua Shen joke, the host asked, "Hua Shen, you've seen the comments. Everyone is curious, you never join shows as a judge, why choose ours this time?"Hua Shen smiled lightly. "Firstly, what I don't participate in are reality shows because I always feel that I'm not really good at artistic talents and have no right to judge others. But this show's stars are various cute pets, and I don't believe they'll bite me if I comment on them!""Ha, Hua Shen is still so humorous!" the host laughed."Moreover, I genuinely like small animals and have always been an ambassador for animal welfare. Promoting harmonious interactions between humans and animals is my responsibility.""Lastly, I'm preparing for a new movie about the unbreakable bond between a loyal dog and its owner, but we haven't found the right dog to cast. I hope to find the perfect dog through this show."Understanding Hua Shen's explanation, the audience nodded in realization, their excitement growing. The show promised many opportunities—not just for prizes. If their pet could catch Hua Shen's eye for his movie, it would be a tremendous benefit.After Hua Shen, the other judges were introduced: a top actress Ying Bao'er, animal training expert Guo Yifeng, and the founder of Pets' Home, Tan Yao.With the introduction of the five main judges complete, the host continued, "This talent show, due to the unpredictable nature of pet performances, allows each judge to have one 'progression vote.' "This means that even if your pet does not complete the test according to our rules, but shows unique characteristics, it can still stay if the judges agree.""Also, we've opened up audience voting links. The pet with the most votes among those facing elimination can also advance from the auditions.""That's a great rule; otherwise, we'd only see well-trained dogs, which would be less interesting.""True, this is the first time I feel the rules are quite fair.""Let's start already; I can't wait to see the pets perform."As the audience urged on, the program began. The screen shifted to focus on the judges, leaving only a third of it for dynamic avatars of the judges to capture their reactions.In the testing room, a girl with glasses released the leash of a little Teddy bear dog, giving it instructions with serious demeanor."Duoduo, listen to your sister. I'll leave for a bit, and you must not eat the dog food in this bowl before I come back. Got it?"The Teddy blinked, looking somewhat puzzled but already fixated on the food in the bowl. Attempts to approach were thwarted by its owner pushing it back."Don't eat it until I come back, hear me?"After being stopped a few times, the Teddy seemed to calm down and didn't rush forward anymore.The girl, relieved, saw that the two minutes given by the production team for preparation were almost up and quickly nodded to a staff member.The staff led the glasses-wearing girl out of the room.The camera switched, and the girl could now be seen with the staff in front of a monitor displaying the room where the Teddy and the food bowl were.

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