Chapter 16: The Pillow Arrives as Sleep Comes

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Dai Xiaomeng knows Erha's character better than anyone else. In her eyes, Erha was never just a dog. Putting him on a leash would be the greatest insult to him. Yet now, in order to secure her college tuition peacefully in the city, he had set aside his last shred of dignity.

"Big guy, I'm sorry you have to go through this," she apologized as Erha gave her a sidelong glance and then turned his head away, ignoring her. Dai Xiaomeng knew his temper well and smiled sweetly while he wasn't looking, then suddenly hugged him around his neck and pulled him onto the bed. Despite his protests, calling her silly, she wouldn't let go. Gradually, both human and dog grew tired and slowly drifted off to sleep.

What they didn't know was that downstairs in the fat woman's apartment, a meeting was taking place. One of the men, sporting a slick back haircut and a face covered with thick flesh, toyed with a pair of jade beads in his hands. Behind him stood two men in suits, both looking displeased.

"Ms. Zhang, I offered you a hundred thousand just for a dog. Can't you handle even this?" the slick-backed man finally broke the silence with a question.

"Boss Wang, it's not my fault. You didn't clarify the situation. Who knew that dog was so famous now? If I hadn't seen the show replay, I'd have thought your offer of a hundred thousand for a dog was a joke," the fat woman retorted.

"So, what do you suggest we do now?" he scoffed, clearly annoyed.

"Look, Boss Wang, that little girl still lives in my property. Are you worried she might fly away?"

"Meaning you have another way?"

"Of course, but this dog is a hot commodity now. Getting it for a hundred thousand might not be possible."

"How much do you want then?"

"Flat rate, five hundred thousand! I guarantee I'll get it for you."

The slick-backed man eyed the fat woman skeptically. "Big talk is easy to come by, but how do you plan to get it done? If it were as simple as stealing or grabbing, I wouldn't need you. I'm in this business; those methods would devalue the dog!"

"It's not that kind of crude method, but this will be a big sacrifice for me. If the money isn't enough, I can't help."

"Are you sure you can handle it?"

The man frowned, still hesitant. "As long as the money's right, there's no problem."

"Fine, I'll trust you this once, but if things don't work out, you know the consequences."

"I get the job done, don't worry! Now that we have a deal, how about an advance payment?"

The slick-backed man snorted coldly and snapped his fingers at someone behind him. "Transfer a hundred thousand to her!"

He then stood up and walked to the door. "Remember what you just promised. By tomorrow at the latest, I want to see that dog."

The fat woman watched the money transfer come through and beamed with joy. "You can rest easy, boss. I know that girl's character inside out. I guarantee I'll have her completely under control!"

After sending off Boss Wang, the fat woman stared at the transaction amount, unable to contain her excitement. She quickly took out her phone to call. "Get back here, we've struck gold!"

"What kind of gold? I'm annoyed here, got bitten by a dog out of nowhere, and I still haven't found the dog's owner to pay up. If I don't catch anyone today, I won't believe it. Stop joking with me."

"Who's joking? You got bitten, which is great!"

"Great my ass, what's the matter? If there's nothing, I'm hanging up."

"Stop messing around and come back. There's a really big deal going on."

Before long, a man limping with a scar on his face entered the room. "What's up?"

The fat woman didn't answer immediately; instead, she circled around the man and examined the wound on his leg, looking pleased. "Nice, that bite was good!"

"Good for what? Just spit it out!"

"Now, the storage room upstairs that I rented to that little girl, you know, right? She keeps a dog."

"A dog? So what? You told me that girl's a broke nobody. You want me to shake her down for money?"

"Heh, why not? You don't know, but that girl's dog has gotten quite famous. Someone offered 500,000 for it, and they've already deposited a hundred thousand into my account."


The man's eyes widened but soon saw the proof on the fat woman's phone screen. "Damn, it really is a hundred thousand!"

"Told you. Now, you see why I said your getting bitten was good?"

The fat woman smirked. "Sweetheart, this deal just fell right into our laps, like a pillow arriving as we were falling asleep!"

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