Chapter 15: You Dare to Film Covertly

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This statement calmed Dai Xiaomeng down. She hurriedly held Erha's neck, feeling the intense trembling from his body. She quickly comforted him, "Big guy, don't get agitated, I'm okay." However, at this moment, Erha was completely unresponsive to her words. He was still in a ready-to-strike pose. His icy gaze was fixed on the fat woman, as if he would tear her to pieces if she made another move.

"Fierce dog about to bite! Somebody help! There's a mad dog about to attack!" The fat woman, terror-stricken by Erha's intense stare, began to shout loudly.

"Enough!" Suddenly, a stern shout interrupted the fat woman's screams. One of the cameramen stepped forward, glanced at the fat woman, then turned to Dai Xiaomeng, "Do you need me to call the police?"

"Yes, please!" With someone else stepping in to help, Dai Xiaomeng breathed a sigh of relief.

"Call the police? What for? You think letting your dog attack people is justified?" The fat woman argued desperately, her face showing a trace of panic.

"Whether it's justified, the police will decide," the cameraman retorted.

"The police? What can they do? I haven't committed a crime. It's you who are trying to instigate your dog to commit assault," she blustered.

"Besides, your dog isn't on a leash. If it gets killed, it's only what it deserves."

This comment scared Dai Xiaomeng. The issue of the leash was always her biggest concern. If people started using it against her, she and Erha could face real trouble. Sensing Dai Xiaomeng's panic, the landlord seemed to regain her confidence. She put her hands on her hips, commanding, "Young lady, don't think I haven't given you a chance. You can still agree now!"

"Just a dog to offset a year's rent, you'll profit from this."

"Otherwise, your Erha won't be able to step out of the house ever again. The moment he does, I'll call the city management."

"Am I to understand that you are attempting to seize property by force and openly threatening me?" The cameraman, noticing Erha's tensed legs ready to spring into action, quickly intervened.

"What if I am threatening? What can you do about it?"

"I didn't say we'd do anything to you, but I've recorded everything that just happened. If anything happens to her, you'll have to explain it to the police."

With that, the cameraman stopped pretending, pulled out a concealed camera, and began filming the fat woman's face openly.

"You! You dare to film covertly! Delete that now!"

"Covert filming? You seem to be mistaken. We are actually live streaming. Let me check... right now, the viewing number is 1.5 million."

"1.5 million, you think I'm a three-year-old? I warn you, delete it now, or else..."

"It's not your fault you didn't know, but being ignorant is your fault. You can open your phone right now, search for the 'Ultimate Pet Challenge' channel one live stream. See for yourself how many people are watching."

"And considering your actions regarding the dog, you shouldn't be ignorant. If you knew and still dared to extort in front of so many viewers, are you out of your mind?"

The barrage of rebukes left the fat woman speechless and stunned. After a moment, she glared at them, didn't bother to verify the truth of the cameraman's words, and quickly stomped downstairs with a grunt.

"Thanks a lot, big brother cameraman!" Once the fat woman finally left, Dai Xiaomeng breathed a sigh of relief and quickly expressed her gratitude.

"No need to thank me. You are one of our contestants; it's the least I could do. Besides, if this happened because of the show, it's partly our responsibility."

"However, Dai Xiaomeng, since it has come to this, you should consider moving out quickly."

"Yes, I'll pack up tonight and start looking for a new place tomorrow!"

"Alright, since it's getting late and you are a young woman, we won't intrude any further." After agreeing on a time to meet the next day, the crew left hastily.

With the outsiders gone, Dai Xiaomeng finally relaxed. She quickly washed the dishes, then sprawled on her small bed, her gaze tinged with melancholy.

"Big guy, the city is too complicated. I want to go back to the countryside." Erha looked at her and gently shook his head, then burrowed under the bed, rustling about before emerging with two items.

Dai Xiaomeng's

eyes widened in surprise. One was a dog leash that had been brought out over a month ago and never used. Next to the leash was a bright red university admission notice. Erha pressed his paw on the notice, then glanced at the leash.

"Big guy, you..." Dai Xiaomeng felt a twinge in her nose, touched by the gesture.

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