Chapter 20: Exposing the Truth

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"Little sister, just open the door, and we can talk about everything else after that," one of the men outside urged.

"I asked if you're police officers," Dai Xiaomeng furrowed her brows and repeated her question.

"Whether we are or not, your dog biting someone is our concern," Wu Lao Liu, one of the men, said impatiently, raising his tone.

"It looks like you're not police. Then, I'm not opening the door. We'll wait for the police to arrive," Dai Xiaomeng replied decisively.

"Hey, you stubborn girl, I've already told you, matters concerning dogs are our business, not yours. Just open the door!" Wu Lao Liu signaled his colleagues with a glance, preparing to force the door open.

But what greeted them was a smartphone camera pointed right at them. Inside, Dai Xiaomeng captured their images clearly, narrating through the speaker, "My name is Dai Xiaomeng, and there's been a new development. These people claim to be police and are trying to break into my home."

Hearing her words, the three men's expressions changed. "What nonsense are you talking about, girl? We're from the City Management Bureau, and if your dog has bitten someone, shouldn't we handle it?"

"Yes, young lady, even if they aren't police, they're in uniform, so they must be official, right?" said a resident from downstairs who had occasionally seen Dai Xiaomeng.

Thinking quickly, she replied, "That uncle from downstairs, you live here, right? You came up here as soon as you heard the commotion, which is normal. But these men, do they also live in this building? How could they also arrive here at the exact moment?"

This remark caused the onlookers to pause, casting doubtful glances at the three uniformed men.

"We were just passing by on other business, heard the noise, and came up. Isn't that normal?" The three men hadn't expected Dai Xiaomeng to be so tough and scrambled for an explanation.

"Fine, let's say you were just passing by. So what time is it now? 7:15 AM. You, as public officials, are not even supposed to be at work yet. How come you're dressed so formally and arrived so promptly? And how can you assert so confidently that it was my dog that bit someone?"

They swallowed nervously, feeling the shift in the crowd's gaze.

"We told you, we had other business today, so we started work early."

"What business? Trying to steal my dog in collusion with these two?" Dai Xiaomeng accused boldly.

"Nonsense, what we do doesn't need to be explained to you!"

"No need to explain to me, just wait to explain to the police. Since you started knocking, I've already called them. They should be here soon, and I trust they'll investigate thoroughly."

"You've called the police?" This revelation finally broke the men's composure. Just as Dai Xiaomeng had pointed out, their appearance was indeed too sudden and suspicious to stand up to scrutiny.

"Yes, and you can wait for them if you have any questions. I'll open the door when the police arrive," Dai Xiaomeng stated firmly.

The men shared a look of uncertainty and finally decided to retreat. "Well, since you've already called the police, we'll leave this matter for them to handle. We won't interfere anymore."

After a stern declaration, they turned and left, casting a warning glance at the landlord couple. "What a day! Not only did we not get the dog, but we've also attracted all this trouble."

Seeing their own plan falling apart, the landlords were left dumbfounded. It took a moment for the fat woman to burst into tears, mourning the collapse of their carefully laid plans.

Now, with the key players gone and potential trouble brewing, they decided it was time to leave. As they prepared to leave, one person from the crowd asked, "Aren't you the one who said her dog bit your husband? Why are you leaving just like that?"

"What else can we do? She won't open the door, and if we don't get my husband treated soon, who will be responsible if something happens to him?" the fat woman retorted irritably.

But her reaction raised suspicions. Looking across, she saw a familiar face— one of the men who had been in Dai Xiaomeng's apartment yesterday was filming the whole scene.

"Camera guy, you're here!" Dai Xiaomeng exclaimed from behind the door, her voice filled with relief.

"Yes, Dai Xiaomeng, you can open the door now. Actually, we were almost at the building when you called. But it looks like you could have handled it yourself even if we hadn't come. Very impressive."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19 ⏰

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