Chapter 14: Strong-Arm Tactics

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Dai Xiaomeng's face paled as she quickly calculated that the landlord was demanding at least three to four thousand from her. "Auntie Landlord, you know I don't have much money. Wasn't it agreed that I would pay rent monthly?"

"Monthly? You really should ask around, who else rents out their property on a monthly basis nowadays? Cut the talk; pay up or move out."

"But when I rented this place, it was just an abandoned storage room. I've spent over a month cleaning it up..."

"So what if it was a storage room? Isn't it still a house? If it weren't for the fact that it was just a storage room, would I have rented it out to you for 300 a month? Look at the location of this place!"

"And stop with the excuses. Either pay the rent or leave, the choice is yours!" the corpulent woman interrupted sternly.

"But I really don't have that much money!"

"No money? Aren't there friends with you? Can't you just borrow some from them?" she said, her gaze falling on the two cameramen with hidden cameras, not noticing their equipment.

"Auntie, they are not my friends, they just came to see me about something," Dai Xiaomeng quickly explained.

"Well, I have no other option then. If you want to keep living here, you must pay half a year's rent and the deposit upfront. Or else..." the woman's gaze shifted to the husky beside Dai Xiaomeng. "Your dog looks quite nice; you can use it to cover your rent."

"That's impossible, my dear is not something I can use to pay rent!" Dai Xiaomeng said, hugging the husky tightly and shaking her head vigorously.

"That won't do, this won't do, so what will you do? I'm telling you, even 500 a month is a steal for this location. You using the dog to pay the rent, you'd still be getting a good deal."

"He's not just any dog!"

"So what is he then? Just a husky, right? You could buy one for a thousand or two in any pet market. I'm letting you use the dog for the rent because I see it's been hard raising him this big, don't be ungrateful!"

"That's impossible!" This time, the girl didn't think further. She firmly shook her head. "Worst case, I won't stay here and will go back to the countryside!"

Seeing Dai Xiaomeng's resolute demeanor, the landlord's brows furrowed. Her eyes darted around, and a smile suddenly crept onto her face. "Looks like we can't agree on the price. But I really like your dog. How about this, give me the dog, and I'll waive your rent for a year. With that deal, you could buy several dogs."

"No way, no how. And in my heart, he is not just a dog; no one can exchange him for anything. Now, please leave."

"The world turned upside down, my house, and you're telling me to leave? You little girl, you must have the courage of a bear and a leopard to talk to me like this."

"It's your house, but I've paid the rent. Even if I decide to leave, there are still three days until the rent period ends. During this time, the right to reside here is mine. Why can't I ask you to leave?"


"Nicely done!"

"I'm so angry, that fat pig, clearly taking advantage of my little Dai because she seems easy to bully, that's exactly how she should respond."

"Who would have thought, Dai Xiaomeng, usually so gentle, could show such spirit when provoked."

"Don't worry, Dai, it's just a house. My family owns several; you can choose any to live in!"

"Exactly, I wanted to say from the start, who would want to live in that kind of place? I just held back!"

"Camera guys, what are you, decorations? She's your contestant, and you just watch her get bullied?"

The barrage of comments that followed Dai Xiaomeng's words was a tidal wave of support and indignation.

However, the corpulent woman was not so easily dismissed. Her face twitched with anger as she glared at Dai Xiaomeng.

"Little girl, who do you think you are talking to? Believe it or not, I can make you..."

Suddenly, a deep growl resonated in the room. Unnoticed, the husky had positioned itself between Dai Xiaomeng and the landlord. Crouched low with its back arched, the fur along its body bristled intensely, its lips quivering slightly around its fangs. The menacing growl that escaped it made the hair on one's neck stand.

This threatening pose caused the landlord to stagger back towards the

door, gasping, "What do you want!"

Staring at the enraged husky, the landlady swallowed nervously, then sharply turned to Dai Xiaomeng, "Aren't you going to control your dog? If it dares to bite me, you both won't be able to leave this house."

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