Chapter 8: It's the Boss Who Takes Care of Me

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For a petite and delicate girl with exquisitely carved features and a demeanor full of innocent vitality, she surpassed any similar girl she had ever met in her life. Her discerning eye, sharpened by a bit of a ruthless streak, noticed immediately that the girl hadn't caused much of a stir earlier, mainly due to her plain dressing. Dressed simply in a faded oversized T-shirt, shorts, and worn-out sneakers, her hair was messily draped over her shoulders, hardly showcasing her true qualities. If she herself had given a few pointers, the cute girl's beauty might have blinded those peculiar men. No wonder the director had secretly asked her to pay special attention to this pair. And it wasn't just the girl; even the Husky by her side was remarkably unique.

The stark contrast between them was almost comedic, as observed by many onlookers. The host couldn't help but chuckle as she asked, "As the first to advance, could you introduce yourself and your pet to everyone?"

The cute girl blinked a few times. "Do I get the prize money after I introduce us?"

"Absolutely, and since you're the first to advance, there's a bonus prize—double the money!"

"Really?" Her eyes lit up, and her expression was vibrant as she quickly introduced herself. "My name is Dai Xiaomeng, I'm 17, and I just graduated from high school. I joined this program hoping to earn my college tuition."

"Such ambition! It's rare for girls your age to want to earn their own tuition," the host commended.

"And your pet? Can you introduce him too?"

"This is Boss. But he's not really my pet. I accidentally fell into the water once, and Boss saved me. Since then, I've called him Boss."

"Okay, so was Boss raised by you from the start?"

"No, my grandfather raised him, but he passed away a few months ago. Now it's just Boss and me."

As she spoke, Dai Xiaomeng's expression dimmed. The host quickly offered consolation, "I'm sorry, I didn't know it was like that. What about your parents?"

"My parents passed away when I was very young. It was just my grandfather and me."

The support person's face showed sympathy. "So, a young girl just out of high school, taking care of a large dog must be hard, right?"

Dai Xiaomeng's face showed a hint of embarrassment. "Well... actually, it's Boss who takes care of me, not the other way around..."

"What do you mean, he takes care of you?"

"Well, after my grandfather died, he didn't leave much money. If it weren't for Boss taking me to the river near our home every day to catch crayfish, eels, and loaches to sell, we'd probably have trouble even eating."

The host was speechless, and the chat went quiet. Everyone was as if listening to a tall tale. Could it be so exaggerated? A dog, earning money to support such an ethereal beauty?

Seeing the stunned faces, Dai Xiaomeng felt she might have said something unbelievable. She quickly added, "I'm telling the truth. If you don't believe me, you can ask the uncles and aunts in our village. Boss isn't just any dog; he has his own thoughts. Whatever I tell him, he understands, but whether he acts on it is not up to me..."

"Um, okay, although what you've said seems a bit magical, there's no doubt about Boss's performance just now."

"Yes!" Finally validated, Dai Xiaomeng nodded like a pecking hen.

However, her background and experiences only resonated with a portion of the audience. Many who had seen other reality shows now wore skeptical expressions. "Isn't it just like any other reality show, resorting to a sob story right from the start?" "Disappointing. I thought this was a special show." "Considering Dai Xiaomeng's beauty, I'll hold back from criticizing." "Why the cynicism from upstairs? Can't her story be true?" "To believe such a tale, you guys are too gullible!" "Regardless, beauty is justice. Whatever Goddess Xiaomeng says, I believe." "Exactly, and think about it, those who doubt—she's already advanced, and was the first to do so. Does she need to garner sympathy?" "It's just the beginning, one audition. There are still three more rounds of eliminations and a final. Starting with a sob story could indeed set up for those crucial votes from judges later on."

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