Chapter 19: The Villains Sue First

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"Little girl, you're quite something, daring to call the police! Husband, go grab her phone; that wench is recording!" The landlord peered through the crack in the door, spotting Dai Xiaomeng filming with her phone. Infuriated by the disruption to their meticulously planned scheme, they began furiously banging on the door.

Dai Xiaomeng, frightened, rushed to block the door and shouted for help. However, her voice was too weak to stir much attention in the vicinity. Suddenly, there was a rustling sound. Erha, who had slipped into the next room, pushed a box into the hallway. The movement of the box triggered a surge of electrical feedback from a microphone attached to it. Quickly, Dai Xiaomeng grabbed the microphone and turned the box's volume to the maximum. Although she had only used this newly acquired speaker once, she was already aware of its power.

"Help! Someone is trying to rob us!" Her loud and sharp cry for help blasted through the speakers, echoing through the building and waking many from their sleep.

Simultaneously, Erha dashed to the balcony, glanced at the situation below, and gently nudged two flowerpots off the edge. The pots shattered on impact with the ground, drawing the attention of early risers nearby. Curious and concerned, people started gathering, pointing up at the balcony, and some rushed up the stairs to see what was happening.

Caught off-guard by this sudden turn of events, the landlord couple was dumbfounded. Their faces quickly turned pale.

"How does this wench have a public address system at home?!" the fat woman muttered in shock. Then, sensing footsteps approaching from downstairs, she gritted her teeth and hissed, "Husband, lie down now!"

"But we haven't got the footage yet..."

"No time left! Stick to the plan and insist it was their doing!"

As the footsteps grew louder, the man with the scar flopped to the ground, clutching his leg and moaning dramatically. His wife began shouting angrily to anyone who would listen.

"The damned dog bit someone! Help, someone help! This mad dog has bitten someone!"

As the crowd ascended the stairs, they witnessed this scene firsthand.

"What's going on? Where's the mad dog that bit someone?"

"It's their dog! They let it run around without a leash. Look at my husband's leg; it's been mauled!"

The woman lifted her husband's pant leg to reveal a bloodied wound with clear bite marks, causing the onlookers to gasp in shock. The mood shifted instantly, with the crowd's indignation directed towards the apartment.

"This is too dangerous. We have a lot of people and children in this community. We can't have such dangerous dogs around."

"Yeah, my kid plays down in the garden all the time. What if he encountered this dog? It could be disastrous."

"Call the police immediately. This kind of dog shouldn't be allowed in the neighborhood."

As people reached for their phones to call the authorities, a loud voice cut through the chatter, "Make way! City Management law enforcement coming through."

Three uniformed officers from the City Management Bureau pushed through the crowd, exchanging covert glances with the landlord couple.

"What's going on here?" the leader of the officers asked.

"Officer, you've arrived just in time. My husband was bitten by their dog. We need you to sort this out!"

The woman emphasized the word "officer," causing those who were about to call the police to pause. They realized official help was already present, albeit they didn't notice that the uniforms worn were merely similar to police uniforms.

The officer inspected the wound on the man's leg and said sternly, "This bite is severe, and it's a large breed dog. Where is the dog now?"

"It's inside that apartment. The dog ran inside after biting, and they've been refusing to open the door ever since, which is why we've been banging on the door."

"You're lying; my dog has been inside since last night. How could it have bitten you?"

"Still trying to argue? If it wasn't your dog, did my husband bite himself?"

"Who knows what you did, but it wasn't my dog!"

Dai Xiaomeng, empowered by the speaker system, didn't back down, her voice as loud as the accusers.

"Miss, let's sort this out calmly. Open the door and we can settle this matter," one of the uniformed men suggested.

"Are you police officers?" Dai Xiaomeng peered through the door crack, skeptical of the three men she saw. Could it be that the police had arrived in less than two minutes? Wasn't that a bit too fast?

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