Chapter 5: Husky, Truly Unmatched!

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The audience was in uproar due to the Husky and the cute girl, while the judges were all smiles. "This is my first time as a judge on such a show, and I didn't expect it to be this relaxing. Just watching these adorable pets makes me feel years younger," Hua Shen commented leisurely, leaning back in his chair. "Indeed, this type of show, with the natural charm of animals, can really make one smile from the heart."

The host, noticing the spike in chat activity, glanced at the Husky on the screen and then, trying to hold back a laugh, turned to Professor Tang Ming. "Professor Tang, what are your thoughts on Huskies as a breed?"

Professor Tang's face twisted into an amused smile. "Indescribable! For this question, I think Master Guo Yifeng is more qualified to comment."

The camera shifted to the animal training master, who shook his head with a wry smile. "I can train the fiercest tiger to be as gentle as a cat, but a Husky remains a Husky no matter how hard I try."

The host and the audience chuckled together. "It seems even Master Guo isn't optimistic about the Husky's chances!" "If we were rating disobedience, he'd be the champion the moment he entered!"

"Okay, I've heard from our two experts, what about the other judges, any other guesses?" "Well, actually, I think the outcome isn't so predictable. Like the viewers said, this Husky is the only dog that entered without a leash, and from the moment it walked in, it hasn't even glanced sideways. To me, it seems like a very disciplined dog. I have a good feeling about this one!"

Hua Shen raised his hand and commented, "If the Husky heard you, it would live a life without regrets!" The host couldn't stop laughing, adding, "That's Hua Shen for you, always able to give the kindest comments, even to pets." "It's called emotional intelligence, and that's the biggest reason why I love Hua Shen." "Let's hope the Husky behaves well, don't embarrass Hua Shen!" "Yes, let's stir up the atmosphere and perform well!"

As the audience and judges continued with their cheerful commentary, the Husky and its owner officially entered the competition room. "Sss! This lolita goddess, even more stunning head-on!" "Unadorned yet still flawlessly beautiful, a natural beauty indeed!" "Such a shame, a goddess-like owner brought a Husky." "She's praying with her hands together, is she praying not to lose too embarrassingly?" "If I were her, praying is all I could do too!"

The broadcast zoomed into the competition room, and the sound from inside reached everyone's ears. The young beauty, with a pleading look in her eyes, directed her prayer towards the Husky. "Boss, we haven't sorted out this month's rent yet, and there's only one piece of that high-quality steak you like left. Whether we can eat well in the coming days all depends on you!"

After her words, she looked anxiously at the Husky, who glanced back at her before turning happily to exit the room with a staff member. "That's it?" "Lolita goddess, that's a Husky you're dealing with! You're not going to give it a proper briefing?" "Also, what's with calling it 'boss'? Is there any deity named 'boss'?" "Are you joking upstairs? It's obvious she's calling the Husky 'boss'." "Calling a Husky 'boss'? Only a goddess could be so unique with pet names!" "Looks like she's given up." "If I were her, I'd hurry out too, at least she won't end up like Piaogui's owner, struggling so hard just to end up last. If she loses now, she loses with dignity." "Come on, divine beast, show us what you're really capable of, eating or not, we're here for the show." "Right, it's your time to shine! Forget the dog food, you're here to have fun!"

As the Husky approached the dog food, the chat went wild. "Faster, come on, you can beat Piaogui's record, you're the strongest!" Amid cheers, the Husky lived up to expectations and reached the dog food in just a few steps. Then, with a slight squint of its eyes, it swiped a paw out. Bang! The stainless steel dog bowl was sent clattering to the corner by his paw. As the impact sent dog food scattering like beads, the crowd cheered. "Beautiful!" "Husky, truly unmatched!" "I knew it, a divine beast always stands out, even with a huge temptation right in front, it

stirs up the scene first." "Now, start eating, the championship is yours!"

The audience, thoroughly satisfied by the display, continued cheering. But a few seconds later, the atmosphere froze. The previously excited crowd's laughter turned into confusion. In the view, after flipping the dog food bowl, the Husky didn't glance at it again but found the corner farthest from the food, lazily lying down to rest with eyes closed.

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