Chapter 7: The Husky Walks the Golden Retriever

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The noise from both sides made the atmosphere somewhat tense. The Husky, having just wiped the drool off its head, glanced at the somewhat aggrieved-looking cute girl, its eyes narrowing slightly. It then began walking toward the exit of the testing room. The sudden movement caught everyone's attention. With cameras everywhere, it was easy for everyone to track its movements.

"What is the Husky doing?" "It's heading towards the Golden Retriever tied next to the table! It's not going to start a fight, is it?" "A fight? You're giving the Husky too much credit. It's one of the top three least aggressive dogs globally." "Look, it's biting the Golden Retriever's leash!"

As the crowd gasped, the Husky had already clamped its mouth on the clip end of the leash tied to the Golden Retriever. With a gentle tug, it unfastened the leash. What surprised everyone was that the Husky didn't let go of the leash in its mouth. Instead, it led the bewildered Golden Retriever like walking a dog, into the testing room.

Once inside, it ignored the astonished looks from the people and led the Golden Retriever straight to the corner where the dog food was kept. Despite being a large breed, the Golden Retriever was being led by a smaller and peculiar-looking dog. Initially resistant, the Golden Retriever's nose began to twitch wildly as they entered the room.

And without needing any more guidance from the Husky, it went straight to the dog food. "Don't eat!" The owner of the Golden Retriever finally realized what was happening and quickly shouted. But it was too late. Given the Golden Retriever's large mouth, the small bowl of dog food was nearly licked clean in under ten seconds.

As for the Husky, it had already let go of the leash the moment the Golden Retriever approached the food. With a disdainful glance at the Golden Retriever's owner from its deep blue eyes, it returned to the cute girl's side. And then... there was no more 'then.' If anyone still couldn't see what had happened by now, they were truly no better than a dog.

"Absolutely brilliant!" "That face slap sound, so loud!" "Didn't the Golden Retriever's owner just question the dog food? What does he say now?" "Haha, two dogs standing in front of the dog food, and the Husky didn't even glance at it. That's the difference." "So, the advancement earlier wasn't a fluke, but a display of actual skill?" "It's not just about skill; this Husky's intelligence is beyond our imagination." "Impressive, at that moment, even we didn't think of solving the problem that way."

As the audience discussed, Hua Shen, watching the Husky's eyes, began to sparkle. For the new film he was starting as the leading actor and producer, he had visited many places but hadn't found the dog he wanted. Although many dogs were well-trained and could follow commands strictly, they lacked a certain vivacity, that spark of individuality. But just now, in that instant, Hua Shen felt that unique quality in the Husky. He was intrigued but not yet convinced that this Husky was the one he wanted. He decided to wait and see.

Containing his excitement, Hua Shen admired the Husky and then fell silent. The staff, however, seized this opportunity. "Contestant number 2, now what do you think about our dog food?" The Golden Retriever's owner, his face flushed with embarrassment, quickly pulled back his dog, still licking up bits of scattered food. Without another word, he huffed and left the testing room. "Congratulations, contestant number 66. From now on, you're the first official participant of 'The Ultimate Pet Champion.' You can now go to the studio to re-register your and your dog's personal information and collect your prize."

The staff member breathed a sigh of relief and smiled at the cute girl. "Alright!" The girl beamed, hugging the Husky's neck. "Let's go, boss. It's time to get our prize and have a feast!" She said, then she and the Husky exited the testing room. However, following this little episode, the cameras, initially set to continue broadcasting the auditions, shifted slightly under the director's instructions, focusing occasionally on the cute girl as she headed to the main studio.

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