Untitled Part 9

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Glancing at the two burly men sitting behind the door, engaged in conversation, but with cold, wary eyes scanning Mordrian's party, he paid them no mind. Instead, Mordrian surveyed the remaining seats around, finding ample space. He then shrugged off his dark cloak, letting the rainwater drip onto the floor.

"Welcome to the Oak Tavern. What can I get for you?" John, the elderly bartender, with his cloudy eyes, addressed Mordrian and Darius seated at the bar.

"Do you have rooms available? We'll need about thirteen," Mordrian, his movements somewhat stiff from the cold, inquired.

"Yes, we do. Just a moment, please," John turned to the corner of the tavern, shouting, "Rosetti, get the rooms upstairs ready. We have guests for the night!"

"Oh, Dad, I'm on it!" a slender young man, hurriedly getting up from a wooden table, rushed to the tavern's staircase, seeming to have just woken up.

"Our specialty is wild boar rice and Flame Brandy. Care for some?" John, rotating a wooden mug, suggested.

"Yes, please. Four servings of wild boar rice and two Flame Brandies, please," Mordrian nodded, feeling the hunger exacerbated by the cold journey.

"And prepare some more food and brandy for us. We have more companions arriving shortly," he added.

"Sure thing. I'll get to the kitchen then," John replied, inadvertently casting a deep gaze towards Darius, a glimmer of inexplicable excitement in his cloudy eyes.

The atmosphere in the Oak Tavern returned to its lively state. Merchants and mercenaries resumed their conversations, discussing various anecdotes and rumors.

For Mordrian, taverns were not unfamiliar. During his month-long journey, he had stayed in many taverns, each with its own unique character. Similar to the bars in his previous life, the clientele here mostly consisted of traders, wandering mercenaries, or gang members.

As they waited, Mordrian surveyed the tavern's interior. Unknown beast skeletons adorned the walls, fitting for the rugged atmosphere of the northern region. The Oak Tavern was not unlike the Blueberry Inn.

"Hey, lad, what brings you to Evan Dale? Planning to explore the Lenwall Mountains?" Jack, seated near the bar, grumbled after taking a bite of his meal.

"Yes, I'm an expedition knight. My family sent me here to develop new territories," Mordrian shrugged, somewhat resignedly.

"Poor lad, an expedition knight? It's been ages since I've seen one in Evan Dale," Jack poured himself a shot of strong liquor, wiping his greasy mouth.

The vast unclaimed lands on the Cardimoth Continent were dwindling, and the Lenwall Mountains were one of the few disputed territories left.

"But it's a shame. The Lenwall Mountains have become increasingly dangerous in recent years. Ferocious beasts roam the depths, and many mercenaries and adventurers never return. It's almost become a forbidden land," Jack warned, shaking his head.

"Of course, among them are some expedition knights like you. But the outcome is the same. I doubt your dream of a territory will survive here," Jack chuckled.

Surprised by the grim assessment, Mordrian frowned. He hadn't anticipated such dire circumstances, which contradicted the information he had gathered in Edoras City.

"Is there any particular reason behind the situation in the Lenwall Mountains?" Mordrian inquired curiously.

"I don't know about that," Jack shook his head slowly, finishing his meal. "If you plan to go there, I suggest finding a knowledgeable guide. It might be helpful."

"As an old man, I need my rest now. I've told you what I know. For more information, you'll have to inquire within Evan Dale," Jack concluded, seemingly lacking the desire to continue.

Seemingly lacking any further desire to continue, Jack pushed away his empty plate, rising from his chair. His towering frame hinted at a once robust physique, now aged and weathered.

"Your wild boar rice and Flame Brandy are ready. Enjoy your meal!" John's aged voice brought Mordrian's attention back, pulling him from his thoughts.

"Thank you!"

Mordrian picked up the transparent bottle of brandy from the counter, taking a deep sip. The fiery sensation warmed his body before he began to sample the tavern's signature wild boar rice.

"Tastes good!" Mordrian praised, appreciating the culinary delight, reminiscent of his past life's love for fine dining.

After enjoying their dinner, Mordrian and his party all checked into the Oak Tavern. Though not as comfortable as the Blueberry Inn, it was clean and tidy.

However, due to the unpredictable weather in the north, Mordrian could only stay in Evan Dale Town to replenish some necessary supplies for colonization and gather information about the surrounding area.

Located on the edge of the Lenwall Mountains, Evan Dale Town, in the northern region of the Stock Kingdom, attracted many wandering mercenaries over the years.

Coupled with rumors of countless treasures hidden within the Lenwall Mountains, more and more adventurous (and foolhardy) mercenaries ventured in. However, the terrifyingly low temperatures and the beasts roaming the mountains had turned it into a notorious no-man's-land.

In addition to mercenaries, some savvy traders sought business opportunities in Evan Dale Town.

After all, hungry beasts occasionally emerged from the Lenwall Mountains to attack the surrounding villages, and the pelts of these creatures were highly sought after by the upper echelons of society.

For various reasons, what was once a northern border town had gradually transformed into a transit hub and trading post.

In the elegant aristocratic district of Edoras City, in a luxurious courtyard.

Sensual melodies drifted out from the exquisite wooden building, occasionally interrupted by moans and groans, accompanied by a low, intense roar, leaving only the sounds of labored breaths.

"Is something the matter?" After a while, a gentle male voice emanated from the elegant wooden structure.

"Sir, the mission has failed."

"Heh, as expected. After all, our esteemed knight Ferdinand has been confirmed dead by the family. Heh, died at the hands of a noble's son!" The soft male voice chuckled with self-deprecation.

"In the end, we underestimated the hidden power of the Perris family. However, it should end here. Contact the Black Ravens. I hope to hear your good news soon!"

"Yes, sir!" A black shadow materialized and disappeared from the elegant wooden building, leaving behind the resumption of sensual melodies.

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