Untitled Part 21

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Had it not been for Modrian's strength, already approaching that of a knight, able to withstand the relentless cold, he might have given up on this exploration journey, his desires futile against the reality before him.

Following the crude map provided by Gregory, they had been trekking through the Renvor Mountains for three days now, with the markings on the map increasing, mirroring the density of the sheepskin paper representing the lines of the mountains.

Unfortunately, despite their journey, Modrian had yet to encounter any creatures, not even the fierce beasts one might expect.

"Modrian, it's time to rest. Kelvin needs to continue mapping the exploration route," said Drayus, turning his towering frame towards Modrian.

"Very well, let's take a break," Modrian sighed, stopping his steps and clearing a somewhat cleaner spot by swinging his sword, then settling down wearily against an oak tree.

Still adjusting to this initial exploration journey, he found himself ill-prepared for the extreme cold, relentless winds, and the monotonous white of the snowy landscape, all tormenting his body and mind.

Looking up at the sky, the thick foliage blocked his view, with no trace of winter sunlight piercing through. In this freezing environment, where the tree branches felt as hard as iron and the leaves as sharp as swords, the exploration journey proved to be challenging.

"Drayus, how much longer can our food supplies last?" Modrian inquired after swallowing the food Drayus handed him—some jerky and a couple of dry cakes.

"Our provisions can last about half a month, Modrian, but we needn't worry too much. The game we hunt can sustain us," Drayus replied. Indeed, despite the harsh conditions, Modrian had meticulously prepared for this exploration journey. Alongside Drayus, there was Kelvin (the war stone mason) and ten elite Noxian expedition cavalrymen—few in number but elite in quality.

Soon after, Kelvin and two of the Noxian cavalrymen set off to scout the surrounding area, leaving the group. Though Kelvin's expertise lay more in construction, his basic scouting skills were invaluable.

A short while later, Kelvin and the Noxian cavalrymen returned safely. Their black armor bore numerous scratches, evidence of their infiltration into the unfamiliar mountain terrain.

With their return, the exploration team resumed their journey, with two Noxian cavalrymen leading the way, clad in black armor from head to toe, wielding sharp machetes. As elite soldiers of the Noxian Empire, the expedition cavalrymen were not only skilled in horsemanship but also formidable in ground combat.

Silence enveloped the atmosphere, with no one speaking a word, each member of the team remaining vigilant. Only the heavy footfalls and the sound of blades chopping through branches could be heard.

As time passed, Modrian and his team ventured deeper into the Renvor Mountains. The surroundings grew increasingly gloomy, with the once pristine snow losing its luster, fading into a dull gray.

The Noxian expedition cavalrymen at the front slowed their pace, signaling the rest to stay alert and watch for any signs of danger.

Modrian, positioned in the center of the group, with Drayus ahead and Kelvin behind, felt a sense of unease as he surveyed the surroundings. The once dense forest seemed to stretch endlessly, with no end in sight. With each step, it felt as though they were entering a different world, strange and mysterious.

"Drayus, have you noticed anything unusual?" Modrian inquired, his brow furrowed as he scanned the area, devoid of any vibrant colors, even the pristine white of the snow now engulfed by shadow.

"I'm sorry, Modrian, but there's nothing out of the ordinary," Drayus replied, his brow similarly furrowed as he surveyed the surroundings. The continuous forest remained endless, with no hint of an end in sight, the strange and eerie atmosphere weighing heavily upon them.

"Light the fires, stand guard, and prepare to camp," Modrian ordered decisively. In an unknown environment, caution was paramount. "Kelvin, take a few men and scout the perimeter. Signal for help if anything goes wrong."

"Yes, Modrian," Kelvin nodded before leading four Noxian cavalrymen away from the group.

Bright yellow flames flickered to life, illuminating the shadowy surroundings. The rough and cold-resistant tents were already set up, with the campfire burning steadily. Modrian removed his face armor, revealing his pale face, illuminated by the flickering firelight, his mind swirling with thoughts like ripples in a pond.

Considering the distance they had covered, it was likely dusk, yet there was no sign of twilight descending. The gray shadows continued to shroud the mountains, as though night had arrived early, unsettling everyone.

Looking at Drayus beside him, Modrian quieted his mind, waiting—waiting for what could only be done at the moment.

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