Untitled Part 19

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The urgent knocking woke Mordekaiser from his slumber. Rubbing his tired face, he glanced out the window to see the night sky draped in darkness, punctuated by the brilliance of stars. It was deep into the night.

Without hesitation, Mordekaiser rose from his bed. If it wasn't something important, Klane wouldn't have awakened him at this late hour.

Little did he know, far away in the city of Edelras, a misunderstanding was brewing between him and the soldiers of the Noxus Empire.

"Klane, what's going on?" Mordekaiser inquired as he faced Klane outside the door.

"I'm sorry to disturb you at this late hour, Lord Mordekaiser," Klane offered apologetically. "It's Gregory who's returned, bringing news about the Lenvore Mountains."

Upon hearing this, Mordekaiser wasted no time and descended to the main hall of the keep. As he entered, he noticed it was already crowded with people.

Aside from Gregory and the Noxian expedition soldiers who had returned from exploring the Lenvore Mountains, Draven had also arrived and was engaged in a hushed conversation with Gregory.

Mordekaiser's gaze shifted to the most conspicuous feature of the hall: the colossal carcass of a creature resembling a multi-legged insect. Its long tentacles dragged across the hard floor, leaving faint marks.

Mordekaiser's expression turned serious as he approached the creature's corpse, carefully examining its features. The sharp claws shimmered menacingly under the magical lights, and its powerful jaws left no doubt it could easily crush trees and rocks.

"Gregory, it seems the exploration of the Lenvore Mountains didn't go smoothly?" Mordekaiser remarked softly, his eyes scanning the damaged armor.

"That's correct, Lord Mordekaiser. While exploring, this strange insect creature ambushed us from underground," Gregory replied with a hint of relief, recalling the scene. "If I hadn't sensed a slight energy disturbance beforehand, we might have suffered significant losses. Fortunately, we managed to take down the beast in the end."

"Underground ambush?" Mordekaiser pondered for a moment, recalling information from books he had read in Peris Castle. "Burrowing Worms, also known as Subterraneans, are powerful underground creatures capable of rivaling knights in strength. They often lurk between mountains and forests, using their powerful jaws to dig winding tunnels underground."

"Whenever they need to hunt, Burrowing Worms burrow to the surface and patiently wait underground until their long tentacles detect prey passing by. Then they suddenly emerge, grabbing their prey with their jaws and secreting acidic enzymes to dissolve them for swallowing."

Feeling uncertain, Mordekaiser squatted down, carefully observing the creature's fixed characteristics. He also noticed that the fatal wound on the Burrowing Worm's body was caused by a heavy cavalry spear piercing through its jaws. It was Gregory's handiwork; Mordekaiser could see through it. He knew Gregory's strength well, being one of the most powerful forces within the keep, second only to Draven besides himself.

"Take note, Gregory, the creature is called a Burrowing Worm. It excels at underground ambushes and has formidable biting force. Unless one possesses the strength of a knight, it's best to avoid encountering them. Additionally, be wary of its acid spray attack," Mordekaiser instructed, then turned to the Noxian expedition soldiers, noting the dents and scratches on their armor.

"Furthermore, pay attention to collecting Burrowing Worm cores tomorrow. I have a need for them," Mordekaiser instructed Klane, providing an alternative means of obtaining blue essence besides magical items.

"Yes, Lord Mordekaiser," Klane acknowledged quietly.

"Gregory, tell us about the situation in the Lenvore Mountains," Mordekaiser commanded as he sat down in a wooden chair, tapping the tabletop lightly.

The Lenvore Mountains represented Mordekaiser's future plans, a crucial part of his agenda for everyone present. They had come to the Karadimos continent in search of a territory of their own.

"Lord Mordekaiser, the early stages of our exploration in the Lenvore Mountains went smoothly. We encountered few dangers, but as we went deeper, the risks increased. It wasn't until we encountered this Burrowing Worm that we had to retreat halfway," Gregory explained solemnly, producing a crude map from his pocket, marked with several red circles and dots.

Receiving the map, Mordekaiser squinted his eyes, recalling Old Jack's warning about the increased danger of the Lenvore Mountains in recent years, even calling it a forbidden land.

Was it because of the presence of monsters, or were there other reasons?

Mordekaiser hesitated, his mind filled with thoughts of the potential gains from blue essence. He licked his dry lips, his brown pupils revealing a rising desire as he looked at those around him: Draven, Draven, Klane, and the Noxian expedition soldiers.

Ambition, perhaps!

With the elite soldiers of the Noxian Empire at his disposal, Mordekaiser began to entertain more ideas. Why shouldn't he expect more? He could use blue essence to change the current situation.

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