The Goblets Victims

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 Nyx Nightwood woke up to the sound of girls nervously whispering in the corner of the room. She blinked her eyes opened and sat up, her hair ruffled and messy, and her face tired and weary. What time is it? She blinked, looking at the clock in the wall. 8:57. She sprang up, still in her sleeping bra and black pajama pants.

"Why didn't anyone wake me up?" She glared at the girls huddled in the corner, and they whimpered in fear. Not bothering to wait for a response, she reached for her fake wand and waved it around her body, silvery mist trailing as her pajamas transformed into her Gryffindor clothes. She glanced at her hair, tossed and messy, and pulled out a black hairband with white metal lilacs curling around it. She stretched it around her hair and pulled it into a tight high ponytail, before changing her mind and releasing it back to her normal straight hair. She looked at herself in the mirror, checking for any missing things when she realized that her concealer was almost completely faded away.

She hurriedly pulled out a container and dabbed it around her eyes, smothering her blue markings until she was satisfied. She looked at the time. 8:59. Everyone had already left for the dining hall, and she had no plans on being the last one to enter in awkwardly. But my only choice is to.. she could apparate. But what if someone saw her? They'd have questions on how a fourth year could do only something six years and above could accomplish. But her teenager side didn't want to be the awkward one...

Her teenager side won.

Making sure that no one noticed her, she apparated into the crowd, blending in with the mix of Ravenclaws, Slytherins, Hufflepuffs, and Gryffindors. She located the Gryffindor table and sat at the farthest seat, which to her demise, was the closest to the Slytherin table. She could hear Malfoy's voice boasting about how he was sure to carry his team in the next Quidditch match. This struck Nyx odd. Suddenly, Malfoy peered at her.

"Hey! Nightwood! What's your position in Quidditch? Do you even play?" Malfoy taunted, earning laughs from the Slytherin table.

"Qui... Ditch?" The words sounded funny in her mouth. Was it some sort of children game that they played? She had lived her whole life with the Death Eaters, so entertainment sources were slim. She might have heard Karkarrof talk about it once, but other than that she was at blank. Draco stared at her for a few moments.

"Quidditch? The game? On broomsticks?" He emphasized, looking at her like she was mentally insane. Her vision was a bit blurred because she was tired, but in an hours she would probably be in her ass kicking mode like last night. She slowly shook her head, making Malfoy gasp, then sneer.

"Let me guess, your family is too poor to afford it? Or wait.. are you a Mudblood?" He said the last word way too loudly, and the whole dining hall went silent. Nyx noticed that the table she was sitting at was shaking, and Hermione looked livid. Ron was clenching his hand around hers, his face more furious. Is Mudblood that much of an insult? Master says it all the time, she stared at Malfoy coldly, her pale eyes sharp.

"No, my family isn't either of those things. We'd just rather spend our time doing more useful things," She gritted out. Saying she had a family wasn't completely lying, Voldemort had acted like the father she had never had. Most of the Death Eaters reminded her of older siblings, even if they were absolutely annoying, like Lucius or Beallatrix. Malfoy sharped his eyes at her.

"No, you're defiantly one of them. You have an attitude of a Slytherin, so I take it the sorting hat didn't let you in because you're a Mudblood? That's what happened, isn't it?" Nyx could feel the rage building in her, slowly filling her up, like a painful acid that burned her insides.

"Don't. You. DARE. Call me a Mudblood," She was whispering now, her fists clenched. The lights went out. Then back in. Draco looked at the room, wind now whipping indoors.

"Are- you-"

"Do I make myself clear?" She gritted out, the lights flickering faster and faster. A howling came from one of the hallways, and students jumped, scattering under tables. Malfoy nodded hastily, ducking as a gust of wind blew a plate his way.

"OK! Okay!" He whimpered, crouching under the table. Nyx was then satisfied. The winds slowly died, the lights turned on, and all of the shattered plates were back to normal. She smoothed her hair and sat back down, cutting her French toast with a knife and pouring herself a glass of pumpkin juice. The room was silent as she slurped it, glad to be able to feel the terror radiating everyone. The profferers entered the hall late, (again, I made them lazy ok?!) And curiously glanced at the students, who were shivering in fear.

"Why do you all look like you've seen a ghost?" Professor Sprout questioned, her curly gray hair bouncing as she walked. The students remained silent, not wanting to tell the teachers of the past events. Malfoy was especially silent, knowing that he would get into major trouble if he was caught for using the word Mudblood.

Dumbledore then nodded, as if knowing what had happened. He gestured towards the high professor seats, and sat down as the other teachers following him.

"As you all know," he started, his silver beard shining in the light as he stood up from his seat.

"We will be hosting an event called The Goblet of Fire, where us and two other schools compete... blah blah bleh blah bleh blah blah... time to see who won," Nyx zoned out after that, knowing that she wouldn't have any part in the competition due to her age. While most of the students were goggling at the students from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang, Nyx's eyes were on the Goblet of Fire. It was sparking in a peculiar like way, almost as if someone had bewitched it. Time seemed to fast forward as Dumbledore waved his wand over The Goblet, and it started to sparkle with white fire.

Everyone, including Nyx, was now eying it curiously. Suddenly, a piece of paper flew out, and Dumbledore caught it.

"The champion for Durmstrang is... Viktor Krum!" Dumbledore announced. A storm of applause entered the dining hall, until everyone's attention followed the goblet, which turned red and another piece of paper flew out.

"The champion for Beauxbatons," said Dumbledore, "is Fleur Delacour!" A girl with long silvery blond hail stood up and bowed, and some of the girls from her school who hadn't been picked started crying.

"Cheer for your school, students! Put in every ounce you can muster, and by doing that, you can contribute-" He paused, and everyone looked at the Goblet. It was still sparking. Nyx smiled. Croutch had put Harry Potter's name in it, just as planned. But to her dismay, two pieces of paper flew out. Who else did Croutch put in? This wasn't part of the plan! Dumbledore caught the paper, and his eyes widened. He read the names on the paper.

"Harry Potter," He stated. Nyx let out a heavy sigh of relief. Maybe the other paper was blank, and she had just overreacted.

"And Nyx Nightwood."

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