Just Lie, and they Won't Find Out.

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"Hey!" A voice called out to Nyx. She turned around and saw an elderly man with a bald spot and long har. She raised an eyebrow at him.

"What." It was more of a statement than a question, but she honestly didn't care. The man scowled at her and pointed towards a direction of some sort.

"Dumbledore's office, Nightwood. He wants to speak with you," The man grumbled. Nyx stared at him for a few moments. It would be the second time today. And I haven't even thought of an excuse of how I can speak dragon, she bit her lip and trudged towards his office, trying to think of a lie.

"So, Nyx, I think we both know why you're here," Dumbledore SAID CALmLy (does anyone else know the meme? just me? ok :P )

Nyx struggled to look at him straightforward. I'll just lie and say something totally normal. I can do that. I've done much worse. This shouldn't be hard. But it was. The coolness of Dumbledore's tone was making her struggle to breath. 

"Could you inform me on how you can speak dragon? This is a very rare ability, you're either born with it from a very young age, are not human, or have learned for many many years," Dumbledore counted the options. No way I'm telling him the truth. I'll just say I was born with it. That's technically true... 

"I was, er, born with the ability," She tried her best to sound confident, but for some reason couldn't help but cringe at her uncertainty. Dumbledore looked at her cooly before raising an eyebrow.

"You registered saying that your family is Muggle born?" He verified. She froze. I completely forgot about that!  Fiddling with her gloves, she gave a feeble nod. His eyes narrowed. I messed up... she chewed the inside of her cheek.

"It is very, and I mean very rare for that to happen. I don't even know if that has happened once, Nightwood," The suspicious tone in his voice made her wince. She bit her lip and nodded. I have to be less sus! Dumbledore already suspects something..

"May I be excused to go to the library?" She gave him a weak smile. "To, er, research about the clue," She added hastily. His eyes sharpened a bit.

"You already found out the secret message?" He questioned, making her groan inw✨ardly. She was slipping up so much! This was nothing like her at all.

"Er, yes. So could I..." She trailed off. Dumbledore nodded and excused her, making her slowly walk out, before running towards the library. What did she know about selkies? Practically everything, but she could never be too sure. I hope none of them recognize me. As for the water, I need to find a way so that no one can see me, she hesitated. Crouch had probably seen her speak dragon. He'll defiantly report to Master about it. I'm screwed. She gave a long sigh and strutted into the library, her mind open for late night studying.


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