Herbology: The Easiest Said, the Hardest Done

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Nyx hadn't gone to a school in a little over 10 years. After Voldemort had found and raised her, she had always spent her time training and practicing her magic. Her knowledge in potions and charms was extraordinary, because in her short span of 2 years of school, she had learned many magical hacks and tricks. Once she had moved in with Voldemort, Death Eaters that came an went taught her what they had learnt, such as all the charms and jinxes, and classes.

Everything except herbology, though, because they had only taught her the important ones. But potions was basically the same but just mixing them together, right? WRONG! DEFIANTLY WRONG! They were working with these Bouncing Bulb thingies that reminded her of annoying muggle babies she saw when every now and then she was sent to spy on the city. Yes, she said muggle, and not mudblood unlike usual. I didn't know it was a curse word. Is saying bloody hell one as well? Spoiler alert, it was. How many things were she going to get in trouble for that she didn't even know about?

She was in a trance trying to recall all the things she had done when she felt a sharp pain on her cheek. She looked down and saw that her annoying Bouncing Bulb had slapped her right on the face, and only a few moments later Malfoy was laughing at her. Enraged, she pulled out her wand and cursed it, making it slowly swell up. It turned towards her, realization radiating off it as it grew bigger and bigger, until it burst into Bulb mush and juice, spraying all over the classroom.

"Whoops," She smiled to Professor Sprout, who was glaring at her and Malfoy. Sprout tapped her wand on the dest, enraged.

"I have almost never seen someone with that much of a horrible reaction. Has no one ever taught you how to control your anger?" Malfoy had wiped off the Bulb guts and was roaring with laughter, and Professor Sprout snapped her head towards him.

"Malfoy, if you think this is so funny, why don't you sit right next to Nightwood and have a permanent seat for the rest of the year?" Sprout was red, her friendly Hufflepuff vibe was gone because of Nyx's anger. Draco paled and stiffly nodded, Nyx glaring at him as he slowly walked up and sat next to her. Professor Sprout turned her head back towards Nyx.

"And you! You can put all of your anger towards an innocent plant in detention! And, fifty points of Gryffindor!" She yelled at her. Nyx blinked at her, confusedly, not understanding.

"Points?" She asked quizzically. Malfoy snickered at her, and she shot him a death glare before turning back to Sprout. How did I mange to get one of the nicest said teachers against me? Oh, bloody hell, her mind ached, and it was only the first class. Sprout looked enraged.

"Were you not listening during the procedure? Have you not been paying attention-"

"No not really," Nyx cut her off casually, making the class gasp. Nyx hadn't bothered listening to rules she had already known she was going to break. Sprout was quivering now.

"Headmasters office! NOW!" The Hufflepuff teacher pointed her thick finger towards the door, and Nyx complied, happy to be leaving the classroom. She gave one last glance towards the classroom and saw both Potter and Malfoy staring at her with astonished looks. She narrowed her eyes at both of them, making them quickly turn away. Sprout saw this and glared at her.

"I said LEA-" Nyx slammed the door in her face. And could hear the whole class breaking out after she had left. 

-The Dark Lord's Spy-Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang