The First Event

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Harry took a step, the gravel crunching under his foot. Nyx glared at him, and pushed him back. Doesn't he know better? She let her gaze search the arena and its rocky terrain before spotting the Horntail. And the golden egg, her mind sharpened at the treasure. Her eye then widened when she recognized the Horntail. 

Oh shit... This is not part of the plan, now she definitely HAD to make sure the dragon didn't wake up. If so, she would instantly be toast, no mercy. Or jam, for that matter. She made an X sign towards Harry, motioning him to not move at all. He glared at her, and threateningly took a step. She growled. 

Fine then. If he's going to play like that, so be it. She stealthily treaded across the gravel, making sure to not wake up the slumbering beast. A strategy was already forming in her mind about what she could do. I'll sneak in from behind and  quickly go to the right, out of the dragons eye point, she conspired. And if the dragon were to wake up, she would use Potter as bait. Flawless, right? 

Except Potter had his own ideas on how to get the egg. 

By DIRECTLY GOING TO THE DRAGON HIS HE NUTS? Her mind yelled as she gave him the death glare. He didn't stop. If he continues doing that Pyro will- too late. The dragons yellow topaz eyes opened as it spotted Nyx. She froze.

"Black Rose?" The dragon's voice sounded confused, as if it was waking up from a dream. It came to its senses, rage in its eyes. "BLACK ROSE!" It roared, making her jump and duck for cover behind a rock. She could feel the heat of the dragon nearly melting her protection to the ground. She hurriedly ran to open ground before facing the dragon.

"Oh, hi Pyro," She gave the Horntail a weak smile, which enraged it more. Fair enough. I did kill a few of  his eggs, Nyx grimaced as she remembered how she had needed to complete the task for her master. The dragons gaze pierced her.

"HI?! That's all you have to say? After killing my blood? I will make your death especially painful," The dragon roared. Nyx had to duck in order to dodge the flames that came out of its nostrils.

"How about you don't? I have... lets say.. an offer...." She fiddled with her gloves. If she could negotiate her way out of here, she could be free. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Potter sneaking towards the egg. Yes! She gave him a small nod, willing to distract Pyro.

"Offer? What offer could you possibly give me?" Pyro snorted, and Nyx could hear the greediness and irritation in his voice. She paused. What did she have?Dragons are hoarders. Maybe... 

At the very second, she apparated a bag that she had tucked into her suitcase, teleporting it into her pocket. She smoothly pulled it out, making sure that it was at the Horntail's eye level. He snarled.

"I'm not looking for sickles or galleons. I want something more... exotic..." The greedy beast flexed its claws. Nyx slyly opened the pouch, pulling out a shimmering shard. Pyro's eyes widened. 

"Is this.. exotic enough for you?" She grinned as the selfishness in his eyes grew. She waved the gray velvet pouch that contained more shards. Pyro's eyes sharpened, its yellow gaze following the bag.

"Five and you're free to go," He instantly declared, reaching for the pouch. She scowled and pulled back. 

"One" She commanded, her voice firm. He glared at her.

"Four," He shot back. She glowered at him, swishing the bag back and fourth.

"Two," She stated, irritation creeping into her voice. Pyro was breathing dissatisfied breaths. 

"Four," He repeated once more.  She clenched her fists.

"Three, final offer," She finalized. Pyro stood still and pondered, before slowly nodding his head. Four shards flew out and landed beside his claws. He gave a gleeful laugh and scooped up the shards, preparing to add them to his nest. Wait. Harry did get the egg. Right? Riigghhhhhtttt? 

"WHO IS THIS?!"  Pyro roared as he swung his hand at Harry, clasping him to the ground. Harry (luckily, and to Nyx's suprise,) had enough common sense to hide the egg in his shirt. Nyx groaned.

"That's- er- nobody. Just let him go. Trust me, he's not delicious,"She said bitterly. She'd rather kill herself than let Pyro out of all people murder Potter when she was supposed to do so. Pyro narrowed his eyes and sniffed Harry before immediately backing up with a disgusted expression.

"He smells so... weak! Get him away from me, you can have him," Pyro scooped up the shards and left Harry and Nyx, heading towards his nest. Harry looked between the two before speaking.

"Wha- why didn't he-"

"He didn't eat you because you're such a wuss and knew that it would give him crippling depression for a millennium," She said sharply. Harry flinched, then slowly pulled out the egg. 

It was then at this moment did Nyx realize that a whole audience had watched her. A 15 year old. Speaking dragon. And negotiating with one. And winning the negotiation. 

To her absolute surprise, one person clapped. Then another. Soon, the whole audience was clapping for them, most people cheering for Harry. Nyx scowled. Not like I care, she thought smugly as Dumbledore approached them. 

"W- well done! I'm sure nobody expected, er, that outcome. Champions, meet in the tent!" Dumbledore seemed to be at a loss for words. Well I'm not explaining how I can speak dragon, She thought bitterly. 

She followed Harry and Dumbledore into the tent, where the other opponents seemed to be dumbfounded by their performance. 

"Y-your clue for the next task will will be within each of your legs. Potter, Nightwood, I suggest you to share the egg and- work together. You are all excused.." Nyx gave a satisfactory smirk when she heard Dumbledore was still speechless. 

Exhaustion pulled at the corner of her eyes.  Cedric, Krum, and Fluer all left the tent, leaving Potter and Nyx left. She lifted her hand to open the flap when she felt a hand clasp her wrist.

"H-how did you do that?" Harry's voice made her turn back. She had a weary expression, but irritation edged her mind.

"Potter, if I were you, I'd focus finding out the clue. I don't need you or the egg. So stay out of my way," She warned bitterly, before stepping out of the tent. She blinked in surprise when she saw a crowd waiting for her. Rita Seeker was among them, along with reporters and students.

"Nightwood! Nightwood! How did you learn to speak to dragons?"

"Nyx! Excuse me! Could you answer a few questions?"

"Hey, Nightwood," This voice made her turn and face the speaker. Draco Malfoy was in front of her, his hight making her have to crane her neck. His voice irritated her ears, and he wanted to get under his skins so badly.

"What was that about being out in 5 minutes?" She grinned at him. He scowled, swiftly turning his head away, making his silver blonde hair swish in the sunlight. For some reason this made her giggle, and she patted his head before walking away. 

"Sleep with one eye open, Draco," She said sweetly, giving him a final glance. Her malicious intents were present enough, and she didn't bother listening to his reaction. 

And now to the common rooms. Goddammit no one has still told me the flipping password. 

She ignored the crowds and questions and trudged back, never feeling more tired in her life.

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