Prologue- Photograph

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We keep this love in a photograph
We made these memories for ourselves
Where our eyes are never closing
Hearts are never broken
Times forever frozen still
-Photograph by Ed Sheeran

Harry opens the door after the bell rings for the first time in what feels like forever. He opens it with a forced smile for his sister.

"Long time no see Haz." Gemma smiles pulling her younger brother in for a hug. He holds her in his arms weakly, not in the mood for a hug. He's never in the mood for a hug, or anything for that matter. "I've missed you. I'm so happy you finally let me come over." After the accident Harry never wanted visitors. He just wanted to be alone.

"Me too." He wasn't sure if he was telling the truth or not. He loves Gemma but he just wants to be alone, even if he's wanted to be alone for over a year.

When they finally pull away and Gemma comes in Harry takes note of her judgmental eyes. "Harry, you can't keep living like this." She says sadly. "You need to take care of yourself." Tears brim in her eyes. She can't believe the state her baby brother is in.

"I am Gem, I'm completely fine. I just haven't felt like cleaning lately." He lies. He hasn't cleaned since he heard the news. His apartment, their apartment, is a complete dump.

"Harry, when was the last time you cleaned the dishes? The last time you did laundry? The last time you vacuumed?" He shrugs at his sisters questions. "That's so unlike you. You always want everything to be tidy."

"People change Gem." He sighs with a shrug. He feels hurt as his big sister starts to cry. The tears she held back start streaming down her cheeks.

"Harry please don't be like this. I love you so much, there's so many people who love you and we want you to be here for a while. Please let me help you. I'll get you help and-"

"I don't need help Gemma." He cuts her off emotionlessly.

"Yes you do Harry!" She sobs loudly. Her brother is practically dead right before her eyes. It's as if all the life was sucked out of him. "Just because he's gone that doesn't mean-"

"Stop talking about him!" Harry finally snaps. "You don't know anything! Nobody understands!"

"Then let me in! Take down the walls you built so high so that I can understand!" She screams back. They both stare at each other frustratedly. It becomes silent, the only sounds being the Styles' siblings heavy breaths. They used to be so close. Harry and Gemma were best friends before everything happened. He shut her out and she just wants to find her way back in.

"I don't know what to do anymore." Harry begins. It's been over a year, maybe Gemma is right. Maybe he needs to let someone in, and his sister is a great place to start. "It's just not the same without him. How do I live when he was my world?"

Gemma pulls her brother in for another hug as he finally lets his tears flow. He cries and cries for what feels like hours before he finally stands up and walks over to his room. He grabs a shoebox and brings it back to Gemma.

She opens it in confusion. "Harry, why do you have so many Polaroids?" She inquires digging through the box.

"They're memories. The only things I have left of Louis."

[So this is just the prologue but I hope you like it. Little by little each chapter will be a piece of Harry and Louis' life together. Each chapter will also be based on a song and have a different polaroid.

I hope you liked my new story, please vote and comment!]

We Keep This Love in a Photograph // Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now