Six- After Midnight

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We'll stagger home after midnight
Sleep arm-in-arm in the stairwell
We'll fall apart on the weekend
These nights go on and on and on
-After Midnight by Blink-182

Harry pulls up next to the curb because the driveway is full. Too full for his liking. As he gets out he hopes that there aren't too many people here. He doesn't want to feel crowded. His sister is getting him to break out of his shell, and to do that he needs to start slow. Baby steps.

He goes to knock on the door but it swings right open and a little kid runs into him. "Harry!" The boy attacks his legs with a hug. It takes him a moment to realize that it's Ernest, Louis' little brother.

"Ernie." Harry breathes out. He picks the kid up and rests him on his hip. "You've gotten so big." The boy has to be 5 now and Harry feels as if he's missed out on so much. But there's no one to blame for that but himself.

"I missed you Harry." Ernest pouts wrapping his arms around his big brothers neck.

"I missed you too." Harry assures the boy. He walks into the house with two wrapped boxes in one hand and Ernest in the other.

"Harry!" Félicité yelps as she notices her brother. Once she does, everyone looks at him. And soon he's being ambushed with questions and hugs and apologies. And it really fucking sucks.

He was afraid of this. Of being coddled as if he was a newborn baby. Fragile and scared. He isn't. He's a grown man who has hid away like a child for the past year and a month. He's here to be a man now and stop hiding.

"Hi." Is all he says after being bombarded.

"Give him some space people, Jesus." Gemma groans, pushing through the crowd of people.

"Thanks Gem." He sighs in relief as people start to back away. "Where are the birthday girls?" And as if on cue, the two twins walk in the room with a crowd of friends behind them.

"Daisy, Phoebe!" Ernest calls to get his sisters' attention. "Look who it is!" The girls look over and practically run to hug Harry.

"Oh my gosh!" Phoebe gapes as she wraps her arms around her brother. She would have never known that when she lost her one older brother that she'd lose the other one too. Nobody did.

But it is what happened and there's nothing anyone can do to change that now. All that matters is that now he's here.

"Happy birthday girls." He smiles genuinely. It feels nice to feel something other than sad. He lets Ernest down and hands each girl a box. He made sure to mark each one with their names so he didn't get them mixed up.

"I can't believe your here." Daisy says, completely ignoring the small box in her hand. "I didn't think you'd come."

"Neither did I." Harry admits sheepishly. "But here I am." He kisses each of his twin sisters on the cheek. "Now go ahead, open them. I heard these are like the new big thing." He says happily. Happily. He never knew he'd be using that word to describe himself again.

"Harry!" The girls squeal simultaneously.

"Mum! Harry got us those new charm bracelets!" Phoebe calls in excitement. Johannah runs over and gapes at the silver bracelets.

"Harry! Those things are like $200 each!" She scolds.

"$250, but it doesn't matter." He corrects her cheekily.

"Damnit Harry." Jay says as she begins to cry. "You've put us all through hell." And then he's in his mother in laws arms as she cries into his shoulder.

"Im sorry." He whispers guiltily. He hasn't felt so many feelings in so long. He honestly does feel bad that he's hid from his whole family for the past year. He feels as if he's missed out on everything and he doesn't want that to happen anymore. "But I'm here to stay now. I promise not to go back into hiding mum."

And Harry spent the rest of his sisters birthdays surrounded by his family that he hasn't lost. And it's a little scary for him, and definitely overwhelming, but he's happy. Is his heart completely fixed? No, but he's happy for now.

And as he went home he dug through the box to find the next two pictures.

After the wedding all the kids stayed in the hotel it was held at. Lottie, Fizzy, Phoebe, and Daisy all stayed in their hotel room with a few of their friends and probably had a really fun slumber party. Harry's pretty sure that Gemma just screwed her boyfriend that night.

But Harry, Louis, Niall, Zayn, and Liam had better ideas. They snuck some drinks from the party and got wasted. They were piss drunk and played a game of truth or dare.

It consisted of Niall ding dong ditching some old lady, Zayn peeing in a plant in the lobby, and Louis asking the girl at the front desk for condoms. Liam and Harry both played it safe by choosing truth, because even drunk neither of them wanted to risk getting in trouble.

That didn't happen though because the boys ended up being caught having a relay race down the hallway. Louis and Harry won and Liam took the picture of them before the old lady Niall pranked called security on them.

And after that they were forced back into their hotel room and they all passed out immediately. They also all woke up with killer headaches.

Harry rolls his eyes at the picture now but still smiles fondly at it. That was definitely an interesting night.

So Harry falls asleep with images of all five of them playing truth or dare playing in his head.

[Omfg I took so long to update oops. I honestly forgot about my stories and I don't know why. I guess I've just been distracted by life.

Well anyways I hope you liked and the next chapter will be up Tuesday maybe¿


We Keep This Love in a Photograph // Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now