One- Mary's Song (Oh My My My)

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I was seven and you were nine
I looked at you like the stars that shined
In the sky, the pretty lights
And our daddies used to joke about the two of us
Growing up and falling in love and our mamas smiled
And rolled their eyes and said oh my my my
-Mary's Song (Oh My My My)  by Taylor Swift

Harry sifts through the box before finding the one he was looking for. He pulls out a polaroid with a picture of him and Louis from when they first met. Their mothers Jay and Anne had been old friends from high school that decided to reconnect and have a play date with their kids. That was the day the first photo was taken.

"I remember that day. Mom was so happy at how well you and Lou had hit it off." Gemma smiles picking up the photograph. "Do you remember this Haz?"

"It's my earliest memory." He admits with a sheepish smile. "My most vivid memories take place with him."

Harry was 4 years old and Louis was 6. Harry remembers Louis walking in holding a teddy bear and hiding behind his moms leg. "Harry, Gemma, this is Louis. He's here to play with you." Anne had told her son. The three kids were left alone in Harry and Gemma's playroom as their mothers went to the kitchen to have tea. Harry and Louis were both quite shy so Gemma had to initiate conversation.

"How old are you Louis?" Gemma asked curiously. When Louis held up 6 fingers she beamed. "So am I!" She exclaimed. "This is my baby brother Harry. He's four."

"I'm not a baby." Harry mumbled with a pout. "I'm a big boy now."

"No you're not. You're only four which means you're a baby." Gemma teased her brother. Harrys lip stuck out even further as he kept pouting.

"Not true. Being four makes me a big boy." Louis watched silently as the siblings bickered. He was an only child at the moment, but his mommy was pregnant and his sister was on the way. After watching the exchange and seeing how upset Harry was Louis decided to speak up.

"I think Harry's a big boy." He said smiling at Harry with a missing front tooth.

After that the two boys became best friends. They played with Harry's toys all day until Louis had to go. He whined and complained that he didn't want to leave, he wanted to stay and play with Harry. Anne and Jay cooed at the sight but they both knew it was time for the boys to say goodbye. "How about Harry comes over to our house on Friday?" Johannah suggested.

The boys were ecstatic. They said their goodbyes, Louis giving his bear to Harry and telling him to keep it so he doesn't forget Louis. Considering they'd be seeing each other again in 3 days that wouldn't happen, but Harry gleefully excepted it and hugged the older boy goodbye.

After that they always had an inexplicable bond.

"I would never have guessed then that you two would grow up and fall in love." Gemma wonders aloud. She smiles sadly at the picture. She can't even imagine the pain her brother has gone through. To lose the one person you love most is the most horrible thing in the world.

"Neither would I." Harry whispers staring at the picture of him and Louis. Those two boys had no idea of what was to come.

[So what happened to Louis is something that will slowly be revealed so no matter how much you ask, I will not tell you. (That means you Sam.)

Here's the next piece of their story, which is pretty much what each picture is.

The chapters will be relatively short which means I should be able to update quicker, especially because I'm on summer break so I hope for one at least every two or three days.

Thanks for reading, please vote and comment!]

We Keep This Love in a Photograph // Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now