Nine- Like A Virgin

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Gonna give you all my love, boy
My fear is fading fast
Been saving it all for you
'Cause only love can last
-Like A Virgin by Madonna

Do you ever just wake up and want to go back to sleep? Not just because you were tired, but because you felt as if there was no reason to get out of bed and live life. Harry felt like that every day since he lost Louis.

Today though, he felt normal. He didn't want to lie in bed for hours thinking of Louis like he usually did. Today he wanted to get dressed, eat some breakfast, and go out with his friends. He wanted to live his life for once.

As he was tugging on a pair of black skinny jeans that perhaps didn't fit him like they used to, he got a call. He looked at the caller ID before picking it up and answering.

"Hello?" Harry says into the receiver.

"Harry! Please come pick me up, it's raining and I'm cold and mom is gonna already be mad when I get home." His sister cries into the phone.

"Daisy, where are you?" He sighs grabbing his keys off the kitchen table. She tells him the name of the street and he starts his journey after putting the address into his phone.

Daisy was never the rebellious type, Harry was confused as to why she had snuck out. He doesn't really know what happened but he could hear the distraught and sadness in his little sisters voice. He was sure that she wasn't supposed to be doing whatever she was.

"Oh Harry thank god!" She cries as he pulls the car next to her. They're in the bad part of town. He's angry, seething even that his sister would be out here alone when she knows she isn't supposed to be. She could've gotten herself hurt and he's disappointed at her for being so reckless.

But when she starts sobbing and burying her face into his shoulder he can't find it in him to be mad. "Dais, what happened?" He asks slow and soothingly. It physically hurts him to see her so sad.

After she just sobs for a few moments Harry decides that she needs to be held. Even as an infant that was the trick to calm Daisy down. Unlike Harry, Daisy needed comfort when she was sad. She felt no need to push others away but to pull them close.  "You need to tell me what's wrong love. That's the only way I can help make it better." He tells her as he holds her close to his chest. She cuddles up into Harry and finally calms her breathing.

"I was seeing this boy, he's 17 and mom and Dan and just everyone didn't like him. They told me he was bad news and that I shouldn't see him anymore. But I didn't want them to control my life and make decisions for me so I started sneaking out to see him." She takes a deep breath to calm herself some more before continuing. "I would tell mom that I was staying at a friends house and for a while she believed it. But then she ran into Holly's mom at the store and when she had no recognition of me staying the night at her house I got in trouble.

"So I didn't get to see him for a few weeks because I had no way to escape. But then yesterday he texted me saying that he misses me and all this bullshit." She explains sadly. "And then... He said that he loved me." She sobbed the last two words and more tears came. "He wanted to make love to me so I snuck out not caring about the consequences cause I thought I loved him too, but all he wanted was to get in my pants. When we were done he told me it was a lie and he was just horny and needed a good fuck. He stole my virginity. He used me then told me to leave and I've been out in the rain for the night not knowing what to do." She cries as her fists grip at my jacket to find comfort.

I'm at a loss of words as my baby sister cries violently into my chest because she was used. I try to speak but I don't know what to say. I really just want to go up to his house and beat the shit out of him for hurting her. I want to see him go through the pain she's going through, but that's not reasonable. What I should do is comfort her and make sure Jay knows that she's safe.

"Daisy, love, I can't tell you that I know how you feel right now because I have no idea. I lost my virginity to someone I love and I can't even imagine how horrible it is to have been used like that. But I can hold you and I can love you and promise you that it will get better. And one day you'll find someone who actually loves you for you and wants to spend forever with you." I comfort the crying teen.

I take my jacket off and wrap it around her to give her some kind of warmth. She's trembling and wet and cold and broken. As her big brother it's my job to make sure she's feeling better.

I think back to the time I lost my virginity. It was obviously to Louis and it was in a tent during the camping trip our families went on. It was Louis' way of apologizing to me for that girl and making sure I knew that he loved me. It was such an amazing experience.

He kissed every part of my body in a non sexual way and he took everything nice and slow. It was his first time as well so it was definitely not the best sex. But it was still amazing because we loved each other and that's what really matters. We gave ourselves up to each other that night. It wasn't the most romantic, or comfortable way to do it but it was perfect for us.

Daisy will never get to experience the perfect first time now but I know that one day it won't matter when she finds her true love. I hope for all of my siblings to find someone who will love them as much as Louis loved me.

"Let's go home Daisy. I bet mom is freaking out." I sigh. When I look down I notice that she has fallen asleep. I place her onto the passenger seat and buckle her up so I can get her home and out of her wet clothes. I leave a gentle kiss on her forehead before driving her home.

When I get there there's police outside of the house speaking to my family who look completely distraught. They don't notice me until I walk up to the house with a sleeping Daisy in my arms. "My baby!" Jay screams running towards us in tears.

"She's asleep." I tell her. "Let her rest before you question her." I say. Jay helps me bring her to her room so she can sleep and someone can change her out of her wet clothes.

"How did you find her?" Jay asks me after speaking to the police and letting them know that they can leave.

"She called me and asked me to pick her up. I know she's in big trouble and she definitely deserves to be, but hear her out. She's a little broken right now so go easy." After that I say goodbye to everyone and make my way home so I'm ready in time for when Niall gets here.

I hang up the picture Louis and I took in the tent the night we lost our virginity to each other with a smile. I feel horrible that Daisy didn't get the type of first time I did, but one day she will be loved. And hopefully it'll last longer for her than it did for me.

[So this chapter was a bit emotional. I'm sorry that it didn't have a lot Larry but this is Harry being Harry again and not a recluse.

And to clear up any confusion this book takes place in 2019 and it's around March.

Thanks for reading and please vote and comment!]

We Keep This Love in a Photograph // Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now