Five- A Thousand Years

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I have died every day waiting for you
Darling don't be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more
-A Thousand Years by Christina Perri

For the first time in so long Harry gets dressed to go out. He's gone out to get pizza or Chinese before, but he just went in his pajamas. This is the first time that he is actually making himself presentable. This is the first time he actually sort of cares.

It's his little sisters' birthday party. Technically Louis' sisters, but he's known them their whole lives and is married to their big brother.

Was married..? Harry doesn't even know anymore.

He knows that he's gonna need to get them presents before he goes which means he'll have to stop at the mall real quick. He isn't really sure what two 15 year old girls would want.

It's so strange to think that the twins are 15 now. He remembers when they were born, he was ten and they were so tiny in his arms. It was amazing. He remembers all the times he helped Lou babysit his sisters throughout the years.

Harry sighs at the nostalgia before walking out the door of his house. It's so scary to be leaving for more than a few minutes to pick up his takeout. He hasn't done this is so long.

He feels as if everyone is watching him as he strides into the mall for the first time in so long. He wonders if everyone else can tell that he's been a recluse for the past year. "Excuse me." Harry speaks in his deep raspy voice to a group of girls walking by. They all blush at him and start acting flirtatious. He has to hold back an eye roll at that. "I need to buy my 15 year old sisters a birthday present and I'm not really sure what's considered cool now. What store would be right to go to?"

He hopes that the annoying giggling girls in front of him will actually give him an answer instead of just staring. "Yeah, there's this store called Die Young, Live Forever all the way back there that has some cool stuff." One of the girls say whilst twirling her hair. "I could walk you there if you want?"

"I'm probably 10 years older than you and I'm gay." Harry remarks bluntly. "But thanks for the help." He walks off as the girl gapes at him. He usually wouldn't say stuff like that, he blames his inner Louis.

He finds the store quickly because it's hard to miss. The sign is bright pink and gives him a headache. He doesn't bother looking at the clothes considering he has no idea what Daisy and Phoebe look like right now. They could've gotten a growth spurt for all he knows and be tall. Harry chuckles to himself at the very unlikely scenario and continues looking around.

He notices a crowd of girls around a counter gushing at some new product. He takes a peek and sees charm bracelets. To him they seem like nothing, to the girls they're amazing.

He reads the sign by them to find that they're expensive and just came out today. Harry happens to be a best selling author of two young adult books and has been living off that money for a while now. He definitely has the money to get two bracelets for his little sisters.

"I'd like to get two bracelets please." He speaks to the woman behind the counter.

"Each bracelet comes with 4 charms to start, you have to pick them out over there." Harry internally groans. He looks in the glass display case and starts off with just getting a 'P' on one and 'D' on the other. He faintly remembers the girls loving horseback riding and gets horse charms without actually knowing if they still do that. He also gets Phoebe a red rose to represent her middle name. Then he gets Phoebe a microphone because she always loved to sing. For Daisy he gets a little pink high heel charm because she was always a girly girl and a Daisy charm for her name.

He figures the charms he chose are good enough and pays the $500 for the two bracelets. He knows it's expensive but he hasn't seen them in so long and he figures it'll make up for it.

As Harry climbs into the car he turns on the radio. He stops in his tracks as a familiar tune plays through the speakers.

The song is A Thousand Years and he'd know it anywhere. Why? Because it was his and Louis' song. The day of Anne and Robin's wedding was a great day for everyone. All the kids had fun, Louis and Harry's three best friends were even there, and they danced all night long.

When they were on the dance floor the song came on and Harry and Louis danced to it and kissed a few times. Afterwards they never said it aloud, but there was a silent agreement that that song was theirs. They even danced to it for the first time as husbands at their wedding to prove it.

Harry sighs in content after the song ends. He knows that when he gets home tonight the wedding picture is next to be hung up.

And after letting a few tears slip, he drives to one of the homes he grew up in for his sisters' birthdays.

[Oops (hi) this is kinda late. Sorry about that.

I know this chapter doesn't have much to do with the actual picture, only a small portion being the Larry story, but when chapters like that happens it represents Harry finally accepting what happened. If the chapters are sort of long with only a small part about the polaroid it means Harry is getting better and is focusing on something besides the past.

I hope you enjoyed. Vote and comment if you did, next chapter will be up soon.]

We Keep This Love in a Photograph // Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now