Eight- Little Things

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You'll never love yourself half as much as I love you
And you'll never treat yourself right darlin' but I want you to
If I let you know I'm here for you
Maybe you'll love yourself like I love you, oh
-Little Things by One Direction

Before Harry knew it the sky was turning black. He had spent the whole day hanging out and talking with his best friend. They just had so much to talk about considering that they haven't seen each other in so long, and they just lost track of time.

Niall even convinced Harry to help him cook dinner for them. Niall ran to the store and got ingredients for tacos while Harry cleaned up a little bit. Niall convinced him to at least do the dishes so that they could make dinner.

"I'll be back tomorrow around noon, be ready to go out." Niall practically demands as he pulls his jacket on to leave.

"Okay." Harry sighs, giving into Niall easily. Niall proposed that the two of them along with Zayn and Liam go out bowling and catch up on everything. It took a little convincing, but Harry finally agreed. "Bye Ni."

"Bye Haz, see you tomorrow." And with that Niall left. Harry smiled as he closed the door.

He can't believe that he pushed him and everyone else away for so long. Harry definitely regrets not letting anyone in. He thinks that if he had that maybe he wouldn't have been so sad. But he soon realizes that's not realistic. Of course he'd still be sad. Maybe it wouldn't be as bad but he'd still feel the pain of losing his spouse.

He cleans up the whole apartment after looking around and realizing how disgusting it is. Harry has always kept everything in order that now he's just disgusted in himself. How could he have let it get this far?

When he's satisfied with the cleanliness of his home he also takes a shower. It isn't like he never showered but it was a rare occasion for him. He only showered when he started to smell his own stench.

He crawls into his newly made bed to go to sleep when all of a sudden a memory pops into his head. He sighs in annoyance as he realizes that he won't be able to fall asleep until he hangs up the next picture. He crawls back out of his lonely bed and looks through the shoebox for the picture.

It was spring break of the year they went to New York. The Tomlinson's and Styles' decided to go on a big family camping trip.

Growing up with the person you were meant to spend forever with was a weird thing for both boys. You see, Harry had this adorable baby face and charismatic personality that could make anyone fall for him. Harry had both guys and girls flirting with him a lot throughout the years. Harry of course never wanted them. There was only one person he had his eyes on.

Louis of course noticed the way people would look at Harry or talk to him. But he also knew that Harry was his baby and that he had no reason to be jealous. Harry loved him and he loved Harry and that was enough for Louis to not care about the occasional flirt his boyfriend got from random people. Even though Louis wasn't the jealous type, Harry was. Harry never quite gave off that persona but Louis knew that Harry was very insecure.

On the camping trip the kids sort of just wandered around and were told to make friends. Harry and Louis didn't have much of a problem with that, instantly hitting it off with a group of college kids on spring break. The problem was that Harry was 16. Louis was 18 and he sort of fit right in with the college kids while Harry was considered a baby. Harry just shook it off knowing that these people meant nothing to neither him nor Louis and that they'd never see them again after this.

But then this one girl there was apparently a huge soccer fan like Louis and Harry was pushed out of the conversation as the girl babbled on to his boyfriend about Real Madrid or some shit. Harry kinda just sat there with a frown looking through his phone quietly.

But that wasn't even the worst part. Like it wasn't like Harry was some attention whore who constantly needed his boyfriend's attention. But the girl who's name Harry didn't bother to remember started to practically feel Louis up as if Harry wasn't there. He actually surprised himself when he spoke up.

"Excuse you, I'm right here." He snapped in an annoyed tone.

She rolled her eyes and ignored him, practically sitting on Louis' lap. "Did you get stuck babysitting your little brother or something?" She asked batting her eyes at Louis. She then had the audacity to turn to Harry and say "Sorry sweetie, pda is something us adults do. Feel free to cover your eyes."

Harry had had it at that point. He looked to Louis waiting for him to say something, but when the boy just looked like a dear in headlights he started to cry and just ran back to their campsite.

It was stupid but as Harry hid out in his tent things ran through his mind about that girl and his Louis. He was almost positive that Louis would dump him for her because she actually liked soccer and she was a blonde and she was older than Louis rather than younger and more experienced than Harry.

And when Louis barged in about two minutes later Harry cried out all of his thoughts to him. Louis scoffed at the idea of leaving Harry for the random girl he met at some campsite.

"Harry why would you ever think those things? You are absolutely perfect in my eyes. I love your curly brown hair and I love how your a little innocent and who cares if you don't like soccer! And I don't know if you realize this but I've been with you my whole life, you aren't the only virgin here." Louis explained. "Harry, I'm in love with you, and I don't even know that girls name."

Louis spent the rest of the afternoon telling Harry every single thing he loved about him and that day is honestly one of the best days Harry ever had despite the annoying blonde girl who's name is still unknown.

Harry pins up the photograph and is finally able to sleep.

[omfg my butt hurts my floor is so uncomfortable and I just sat here for an hour writing this. Hopefully it was worth the butt pain and this chapter was good? Idk.

So anyways this book isn't going to be very long. Maybe like 20 chapters? Idk I feel like it would just be dragged out if I made like 100 polaroids and wrote a small story about each of them. But I'm thinking abut doing a sequel.

So the secret behind Louis will be revealed very soon. I hope you enjoyed please vote and comment and you'll definitely love the next chapter ;)]

We Keep This Love in a Photograph // Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now