Four- Hometown Heroes; National Nobodies

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Can you hear the crowd is calling,
"Hey, sing louder now,"
You've got to show them what it means to be alive...
Dancing through the night has never been so rock n' roll,
You've got a good thing and it's time to let them know.
-Hometown Heroes; National Nobodies by All Time Low

Harry wakes up and makes himself a cup of tea. As he's drinking the tea, the way Louis liked it, he randomly remembers which picture comes next.

He pulls the picture from the box then logs onto YouTube. They were having a sleepover under the condition that the door was to be kept open and the lights on. Johannah had said something about "horny teenage boys."

It was past midnight, and they were bored. They had gone through two movies at that point and no video games were appealing at the moment. "Let's start a YouTube." It was Louis who had initiated the idea.

"What would we even do?" Harry had inquired in confusion. What could the two of them possibly post online in the middle of the night?

"Well what's one thing we both love to do?" Louis said, already knowing what they could do. It was the perfect idea.

Harry just wasn't catching on. "Uh, I don't know? I don't think people want to see a video of two teenage boys making out." He chuckled as if it was the funniest thing in the world. Louis rolled his eyes but smiled fondly.

"No you dolt, we can sing." Louis sighed.

And after that they broke into a small argument about what song to sing. They spoke lowly back and forth, not wanting to wake any of Louis' sisters.

Harry remembers himself getting upset over Louis not liking any of his song choices. He was so upset he wouldn't speak until Louis kissed him. He just say on the floor with his arms crossed and the most adorable pout upon his lips. "How about we sing Hey There Delilah?" Louis suggested after getting Harry to stop pouting.

"Fine, you're lucky I like that song." Harry groaned spitefully.

Before singing the song they decided to listen to it a few times first to get in the feel of it. Louis secretly recorded his beautiful boyfriend dancing around and being silly to edit into the video later on.

He loved seeing Harry so free and wild and crazy.

But it was okay because Harry secretly took a picture of the video on his polaroid after Louis had fallen asleep.

Once they were done "warming up", as Harry had called it, Louis dragged out his keyboard and practiced a few times before they sat in front of the webcam on Louis' laptop.

Louis probably messed up about 10 times on his keyboard because he was so distracted by Harry. Everything was Harry. Harry was all he could see, hear, smell, taste, Harry was the only thing he dreamed about. Harry was Louis' whole world and it was scary to notice that at only 14 years of age.

As they were singing Louis suddenly stopped playing and singing and just stared at Harry breathlessly. It took him a moment to realize before he stopped. "What's wrong Lou?" Harry had asked innocently, having no idea of what was to come.

Louis looked over at the camera, down to his still hands on the keyboard, and back to Harry. He then knew what the feeling in his stomach was. He knew the reason behind Harry becoming his entire world. Louis had fallen in love with the curly haired green eyed 12 year old.

And it was terrifying. Harry was scared of Louis' still figure and Louis was scared of his feelings. Although Louis was scared of what he felt, he wasn't scared of announcing the feelings.

"I kinda just noticed that I love you." He said breathlessly. All the air had been knocked out of him, all that he was breathing was Harry. "I'm in love with you Harry Edward Styles." Louis said before surging forwards and kissing his boyfriend.

"I love you too Louis." Harry sighed as if he was floating on a cloud. The moment was perfect and they were lucky enough to get it on tape.

No, they never actually recorded the whole song, but they still wanted to save the video.

So they posted it privately so they were true only two who could see. The video was their own little secret and they'd log on every now and then to watch it and admire their first admissions of love.

Watching now Harry cried hysterically. He no longer has his fluffy haired lover beside him to cuddle as they watched the 14 minute long video. It was beautiful and only made Harry miss Louis even more.

He turned off the computer before standing up and putting the next photograph on their timeline.

Louis would always be Harry's hero, even if he was now a nobody to the world.

[Here my friends are the first Larry I love you's.

I hope this chapter helps hint more towards what happened to Louis because I'm not confirming anything until it's time.

I actually updated on time wow. Next chapter will be up soon I hope you enjoyed this one!]

We Keep This Love in a Photograph // Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now