Eleven- I Want to Write You a Song

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I want to write you a song
One as beautiful as you are sweet
With just a hint of pain
For the feeling that I get when you are gone
I want to write you a song
-I Want to Write You a Song by One Direction

Falling in love can be such a beautiful thing. Until it all falls apart that is. The thing with falling is that even when you get caught, you'll eventually hit the ground. And most of the time, when things fall, they break.

Harry hit the ground about a year ago, and getting back up has been the hardest part. No matter how many times he's reminded of those he still has, all he can think about is the one he lost. The jigsaw puzzle probably won't ever be fully put back together, but at least it isn't indecipherable.

After the girls birthday they had another little party for Jay considering her birthday is only two days later. Once again he was in a room full of people he knows and loves, yet his eyes couldn't stop searching for him.

It's been slowly getting better. Gemma and Lottie have been helping him clean up the apartment, he's been hanging out with the guys a lot, and he even started writing a new book. But still he feels not empty, but as if he was a box of chocolates, and when you open him up, your favorite truffle is gone, and all that remains is a vacant spot.

"Isn't this Louis'?" Lottie inquires, pulling a dusty acoustic out of the cluttered closet.

"Yeah." Harry rasps. Instantly nostalgia fills his mind. "That's the same guitar he taught me how to play on." And although he's sad, he musters a smile.

"Play something." Gemma suggests with a smile. They all sit down on the bed as Harry starts to strum a tune. He can't remember the exact chords or the words, but it was the song Louis had first taught him to play. Instead he hummed along as his sisters watched him slowly play the song. "I've never heard that one." Gemma says in confusion.

"I don't remember what it's called. Louis would play it and sing it all the time so I asked him to teach me it, but I hardly remember."

Harry loses himself in a memory of his old life.

"How come you've never taught me that one?" Harry asked as Louis was absentmindedly singing and playing an unfamiliar tune.

"Because I'm still learning it myself." Louis replied with a blush. Harry had never understood why he always played that song because he's never heard it before. Usually when Louis learned a new song he'd be so excited to show Harry.

"I like it, it sounds beautiful."

Years later, Harry still had never found out what the song was. He remembers looking up the words to the song numerous times and never finding it.

"That idiot!" Lottie groans. The Styles siblings turn to her in confusion. "You seriously don't know what that song is?" She asks as if Harry has gone senile.

"I've heard Louis play it before and he taught me it once..." Lottie laughs bitterly. Harry and Gemma wanted in on this inside joke that only Lottie seemed to know about. "What the heck Lottie? Just tell us!"

After Lottie calms down she says words that Harry never thought he'd hear. "It was a song he wrote. He wrote it for you."

Harry's mind was racing. Louis had written him a song?

"You'd think that when you're married to someone for three years they'd tell you something like that." Gemma mutters.

"He told me and mom about it after he first wrote it. He was supposed to play it to you when he proposed. I always assumed that he did." Lottie explains.

"I think..." Harry trails off as he gets lost in a memory again.

"Everything I need I get from you..."

"He did."

[So it's been a while lol. This chapter is short but it's meaningful and I have a lot of updates planned for the next week or two. Hopefully a bit longer of a chapter too.

Hope you enjoy, like and comment and the next chapter should be up soon!]

We Keep This Love in a Photograph // Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now