Two- Catching Feelings

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We were best of friends since we were this high
So why do I get nervous every time you walk by
We would be on the phone all day
Now I can't find the words to say to you
Now what am I supposed to do?
-Catching Feelings by Justin Bieber

Harry puts the photo back and closes the box. Gemma looks at him worriedly as he hunches over and squeezes his eyes shut. "I'm sorry, I just need a second." He hasn't shared these pictures with anyone but Louis. They were theirs. It was like their journal, a personal story of their love.

"It's okay Harry." Gemma says, attempting to comfort him. Okay is not a word Harry likes to use to describe something. Okay is an answer, not a feeling. If someone ever tells you that things will be okay or that they're okay it's a lie. Okay isn't something anyone can feel. So no, it isn't okay. Nothing is okay for Harry and he's not sure if he ever will be this metaphorical okay.

"He took me to laser tag." Harry whispers. "Our first date we went to laser tag. I brought my camera like always and I kissed him on the cheek." Harry pulls out the next polaroid and hands it to Gemma with a pained expression. "I think we were about 14 and 12 and he told me he was gay and that he had feelings for me. I felt the same way so he took me to laser tag and I kissed him on the cheek." Harry whispers, tears beginning to fall.

"Just let it all out Haz." Gemma soothes, rubbing her little brothers back.

"He insisted on being on different teams because he was so competitive." Harry sighs with a small chuckle. "He beat me and he kept rubbing it in all night until I shut him up by kissing him on the cheek." Harry continued to ramble on to his big sister. He repeated the kissing on the cheek about 20 times. "I kissed him on the cheek." Gemma was confused as to why.

"Harry, it's right here in the picture, you know that right?" She asks, scared about her brothers well being. He was scaring her.

"Yes, but you don't get it Gem." He sighs exasperatedly.

"Then explain Harry."

He looks over to her with teary eyes. He shakes his head and painfully says, "That was the first time I ever kissed him on the cheek. The last was before he left." And Harry didn't have to say anymore. Gemma understood. She understood that after Louis left Harry never got to see him again. That kiss on the cheek was something sacred. It was like their final goodbye.

"I'm sorry Harry..." She says, not knowing what else to say. Harry hates sympathy too. Sympathy and the word okay practically fall into the same category. Sympathy is like a fake feeling you get when you feel guilty about someone else's pain, even though you weren't the cause.

"Don't be sorry when nothing is your fault Gemma. There is nobody to blame for his absence and maybe that's one of the hardest parts." Harry sighs sadly. Harry can't help but think that if there was someone to blame things would be easier. For the first two or so months, he blamed himself. He felt as if he should've never let Louis go. Eventually he realized it was nobodies fault. "Gemma, if I promise to go to Phoebe and Daisy's birthday party tomorrow can you leave? I don't mean to sound rude I just need some alone time." Gemma complied and left shortly after Harry's request.

Harry took the photograph of his and Louis' first date and the one of their first play date into his hand. He walked them to his once shared bedroom and hung them up side by side with some tacks. This is where his story is going. Their story. He's going to put it all in order, no matter how long it takes.

[So here's another small piece of Larry's story. If you have any guesses of Louis' whereabouts feel free to comment them, I wanna know what you guys think happened.

Thank you for reading (if anyone actually did) and please comment and vote!]

We Keep This Love in a Photograph // Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now