Chapter 4 - Not 'The Dog'

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Run. That's all my mind told me as I tried to escape the middle of nowhere. As I was running in full speed, it felt as if I was forced back. I tried to run again but couldn't as I heard the sounds of chains pulled me back.

I was awoken by the sounds of chains. I was chained by the wrists and ankles. Wtf! I rambled and tried shaking myself to set myself free. It was pitch black and all I could see was an outline of a window covered by curtains. Suddenly there was some sort of door opening with a man stepping inside. From the outline of him he seemed familiar until I saw blue eyes. Blake.... I decided to not pretend I was asleep because I'm not letting this psycho do anything to me. He closed the door and I followed the sound of his footsteps till I sensed he was near me. Even in complete darkness, I could still see him smirking. He clapped some melodious tune before the lights came on. I had my eyes wide open to realize Blake Hope was standing in front of me. That flubbing b$tard of a billionaire kidnapped me!

"Look who's up sunshine," he said.

"You better take these chains of me before I-"

"No " he said in a strict tone.

"Excuse?" I said, starting to get annoyed.

"I'm not taking off these chains and your NOT doing anything to me." He started to smirk mischievously.

"Unless its to pleasure me." There it is, the negativity of immature men. Note the sarcasm. I'm not surprised that men his age are still dirty minded. Speaking of age, I'm 17 and he's like 20.

"RAPE!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. I'm so random at even the most dangerous scenarios.

"RAPE! STATUTORY RAPE! RA-" he covered my mouth.

"I'm not going to rape you," he said somewhat caringly. I couldn't trust this guy. So, I bit him.

"OUCH YOU SICK B!T$H!" Serves you right.

"Fuçk you! STATUTORY RAPE! HE-" He did it again.

"Listen, I'm aware of our age differences. Now I'm going to let go of you and your not going to yell because I have things that I'm not afraid to use." There's that negative minded smirk. He finally let go and I wasn't going to yell because I'm pretty sure we both know what 'things' he's talking about considering I'm the height of his chest.

"You have to let me go at some point. I have a school to attend, a bestfriend that misses her sister from another mister, a mother to check on, and a dog to love!" I exclaimed.

"Okay let's see...... school is over rated, she's a bad influence on you, your mom will be fine, I sent 3 maids and some of my men to watch and take care of her, your house, and that dog."

"You SICK bastaŕding b¡+$h! It's not 'that dog' his name is ALASKA!"

"I don't care."

Come to think of it... "Why am I even here anyways?"


"Seriously? Okay I learned my lesson, can I go now? "


"Why not?!" I whined like a 5 year old who wanted ice- cream.

"Because.... " He took a few steps closer and closed the gap between us.

"You're......" He stared back and forth at my eyes and lips.

"Mine." He caressed my cheek. I was speechless with lots of emotions going through my mind mostly anger and disgust. He finally moved away from me and my mouth dropped open like what Peter Griffin does, but less dramatic.

"Where are you going? " I finally managed to say. He didn't say anything and left me all alone in complete darkness.

What seemed like forever,really 3 minutes Blake came back with a key. Yay! I'm saved. He finally understood what he's done and is setting me free. The drugs he's been taking wore off. Or so I thought.

"I did this because I love you too much to let you go," was the last words he said before something sharp punctured my left thigh and seeing black spots appear.


I know it's short
If I continued I wouldn't know where to stop
Blake POV anyone?
Till next chapter......

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