Chapter 21- Him

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Previously on Kidnapped by A Billionaire :

While kissing me he turned off the TV and lifted me up by my legs and carried me up the stairs. We never broke contact as he laid me down on the bed and brought the quilt up and over us and we were still making out....

We were on the bed making out as he lifted my gown. I moaned as he started rubbing circles right under my breasts.


He continued to take off my gown, until I was naked on top of him. He took off his clothes and we were both nude now. He turned us over so now he was on top. He entered his member inside of me and I began to scream. As he went faster and harder, I moaned in pleasure. He cupped my breasts and started rubbing them. He then began to suck them. He made me feel like I was in a fantasy world.

We both came at the same time and relaxed on the bed. We did three more rounds and as he was thrusting he said :

"Tessa, I love you."

"I love you too-"

I woke up to Blake next to me, staring at me with his eyes wide open.

"Is there a problem?" I asked as my voice croaked.

"Had fun grinding whoever you did in your sleep?"


"Your faint moanings and grind like movements awoken me. So who was the lucky guy?" He asked.

"Oh it was-"


Two chapters written within 24 hours yay!
Really short chapter. I was going to write the scene even longer but it felt weird writing about it.
Who was the guy?...
I feel like I have some grammatical errors but that's because I'm tired.
Pic of somewhat how I imagine them.. Team spoby btw only if you understand the picture I used.
329 words!
See you guys next time BYE!......

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