Chapter 27- Kidnapped Again

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Four years later

Time flew by at the pace of a tortoise. Currently Christmas Eve Eve. A lot has happened over the course of 4 years. My mom and Anabel's dad got married, Alaska died, Anabel and I went to different colleges, Todd and Blake merged companies and they've been skyrocketing ever since, Jared went MIA, and I've been trying to live my life as an adult.

Alaska died a couple of months ago when he was crushed by a truck. It's hard for me to move on and I'm all alone, when trying to cope with it all.

Twenty-one years old now I might as well go buy my first drink. I left my apartment and went to a nearby bar. As I stepped inside, there wasn't that many people there, seeing that it's only the afternoon.

"What can I get you?" The bartender said.

"What ever can last me all night." I was honestly still mourning over the loss of Alaska.

I drank the night away, to the point where I was a whole new person. I danced with random people, did karaoke, drank some more, threw up, cried, and a bunch of other shyt I barely remember.

The bartender was cautious about my drinking habits  but I refused to stop. This was my getaway from reality.

As I was taking shots with a bunch of other girls, someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around to see a blurred image of what seems to be, female.

"Hey are you okay?" She said.

"F-f-finnnnne," I slurred.

"Come with me, you're drunk and need to get home. It's 3 am."

"Are you my mama? NOoooo. Soo you can't t-telll me sh-" and I passed out.



I have a massive headache. I want to continue sleeping but my head hurts. When I opened my eyes, I was in someone else's room. Not my apartment, or the bar. I quickly inspected the room to see that it's a grand master bedroom, fit for a queen and king. It was luxurious to sum it up.

I then had the sudden urge to throw up. I didn't want to mess up whoever's bed this was, so I ran to the nearest door I could get my hands on. It happened to be a walk-in closet, so I tried the next door. That door led to the hallway outside. I was now on the verge of spilling all my contents out my mouth, when I had finally reached the bathroom. There, I emptied the wastes from my body and just sat there, trying to relieve the pain from my headache that came back. I guess I hadn't noticed someone came in because next to me was a tray, with Tylenol, water and a toothbrush. When I looked up, the person had gone. As curious as I was, the pain in my head was unbearable. I brushed my teeth using the toothpaste that was already here, and some mouthwash for the aftertaste of my throw up. When I finished, I took the medication and went back to the bed, to sleep.

I didn't care what time it was when I had woken up. It was most likely the afternoon due to the brightness of the room. My head was much better and I inspected the room once more, to see a nice pink sundress, laying at the end of the bed. Along with that, came a loofah and a towel. I'm guessing the person wanted me to take a shower. The mysterious stranger also just so happened to get the right dress size.

What if I was kidnapped again??

I had went to go take a shower to thoroughly wash myself. This person had nice smelling soap. Once done, I had slipped on the sundress and folded my clothes from last night. I was really curious to see who had taken care of me, so I left the room and tried to look for a living room or kitchen of some sort. I called out hello a couple of times, but no one had answered. I had found my way to the kitchen to see a woman who seemed to be cooking a meal. Her back was turned to me, while she was humming along to a song she was listening to in her earplugs.

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