Chapter 10- Diabreakfast

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Tessa POV

I woke up at I don't know what time, but I managed to wake up. I got off the comfortable bed and checked to see if the door was locked. I'm not surprised....  I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and took a shower. Once I finished, I wrapped a towel around my body and brushed out my hair. I left it to air dry as I left the bathroom and searched the closet for some clothes. I decided on a magenta crop top and white short shorts. I put on some mismatched socks and sat on the bed. I looked at the ceiling for a couple of minutes before I heard footsteps and keys jingling. Once the door opened, I shot up to see Todd.

"Hey there Tessa. I'm watching you for today because Blake is in a meeting."

"Okay but I'm 16 and a half I don't need a babysitter."

"Okay think of it as a girl being kidnapped and the guy who kidnapped her is at a meeting so the kidnapper's best friend has to watch over her to make sure she doesn't do something stupid."

"Trying to escape is not stupid. It's logic."


"Well trying to escape someone who kidnapped her is smart because she can't stand this guy and once she escapes she'll tell the police."

"So your going to tell the police that a billionaire kidnapped a girl. Not to mention he's pretty popular?"

Now that I think about it he does have a point. I mean would they really believe me? They'll probably think I'm some overly attached girl who won't let go, a desperate girl looking for attention, or the boy who cried wolf. In this case it's a girl, and she's trying to escape a crazed billionaire.

I sighed and said,"Okay you have a point." He just had a smirk on his face that said I told you so.

"Come on let's go eat breakfast," he suggested.

"I'm not hungry, " I said as my tummy grumbled Bloody Mary.

"Oh yeah, your stomach says otherwise, " He smirked once again.

I huffed and walked out of the room while Todd followed behind. I stopped and waited for him to catch up to me. He held my hand and dragged me to what seems to be a kitchen. There he let go of my hand as I stared at the pancakes with whipped cream and sprinkles, white chocolate chips, Cheerios, and sugar.

"Do you want me to die due to diabetes?" I aked.

"I call it the Diabreakfast."

I sat on the leather stool and began to devour the beast I call, breakfast. Once I finished Todd gave me some orange juice.

"Did you add sugar and soda?" I asked.

"Oh my gosh, do you want to die?"

"Actually, I plan on escaping alive."

He rolled his eyes and told me to go watch some TV. I followed him there and sat on the leather recliner while Todd sat on one of the couches. We were watching an entire season of The Walking Dead. I took the time to try and relax and stare at Todd. He wore a navy blue t shirt with Adidas sweatpants. His hair was messy in a sexy way as his hazel eyes were glue to the TV.

"Can we change the channel?" He finally asked.

"No they're about to kiss!" I whined.

"Okay then," He said as he turned off the TV.

"Hey!" I yelled. As I was about to jump on the couch and tackle him for the remote he smirked and put the remote in this underwear.

"You can get it if you want, I'm not stopping you."

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